Gryphon Trident II User Manual
Page 14

flection will enter – in this example between 1/3 and 2/3
Behind listener
If distance is large little or perhaps moderate damping can be
applied. If it is closer diffusion can be applied, could be com-
bined with damping.
Speaker Toe-in ( se fig. 1 )
Note that the system is set up in a curve so all drivers are on
same line and pointing direct at the listener.
If the room is narrow it may be necessary to use the bass to-
wers on the outside of the MT panels to increase distance from
panels to sidewalls. In this case it is advisable that the AMT
super tweeters are kept on the outer side of the
midrange/tweeter panel.
In a short room, a set-up where the “focus” of the speakers is
slightly behind the speaker may be required.
Reducing toe-in – opening up – may increase soundstage size,
opening to much can reduce focus and often headroom.
Adjusting lean angle
The feet on the panels can be adjusted in height; a back lean
will often result in a higher placed soundstage. If you are sea-
ted low, a forward lean may be required.
The bass towers are not sensitive to this.
Due to the weight of the system and consequently, its solid
contact to the floor,. Spikes are not offering any performance
gain, unless the floor is very lively or the carpet is thick and
The woofer towers
In the old school systems, the woffers was often underestima-
ted and viewed as devises that should provide some “umph”
to the sound,. They lived their own life , often unhappily mar-
ried to a inferior muscle amp with PA qualities ( a contradic-
tion of words perhaps )
The Trident ll is a speaker system and shines with its rare inte-
gration between the piston drivers and the planar drivers. This
is achieved by using a number of special developed drivers
that due to its size are lightening fast to respond to command.
Large drivers are heavy and takes time to start and most of the
time has trouble stopping thus creating the dreaded “over-
hang” – the woofer is playing something that it was not told to
by the amplifier. By using this responsive drivers in a large
numbers in combination with a Gryphon amplifier designed
specifically to this purpose – rather than a all-round perfor-
mance - a exceptional degree of bass control is achieved
down to the notes that are more felt than heard. The signature
of a deep bass system in absolute control is the absence of
bass unless the bass is required – it is never a constant “rum-
ble” creating a illusion of a bass that is not telling if it is a cello