Gryphon Trident II User Manual

Page 11

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pressure waves in the upper frequency enclosures, for cleaner,
clearer mid and high frequencies. By reducing the enclosure
to its most basic form, a floor-standing open panel, Gryphon
Trident ll takes mid and high frequency clarity and articulation
to an entirely new level.

AMT super tweeter
The extreme high-frequency range is handled by an array of
four extraordinary Air Motion Transformers that move air by
driving an extremely low-mass folded sheet in a semi-perpen-
dicular motion via a powerful magnetic field. Following exten-
sive research into materials and diaphragm geometry, the
Trident ll AMT employs a heat-resistant Kapton film base, alu-
minium conductor traces and an innovative fold geometry.

Because of their large surface area and pleated structure, the
Air Motion Transformers move a large air volume with minimal
diaphragm motion for lightning fast transients with flat freq-
uency response well beyond the audible range with negligible
distortion and a total absence of compression.

The AMT array incorporates an attenuator for ideal fine-tuning
and integration with the acoustics of the listening space. ( +1 –
neutral – 1 db )

The Trident ll high frequency panel presents a purely resistive
load, significantly reducing demands on the partnering ampli-
fier, although the system’s unrivalled transparency and resolu-
tion deserve to be mated with the finest amplification and
source components.

The radical passive crossover network design ensures ideal
phase at all frequencies, a perfect result achieved only by
Gryphon loudspeaker.

The Trident ll system's low-frequency cut-off is room-depen-
dent and is also a result of the user-selected Q setting, but use-
able room response from the system's 26 drivers will cover the
range from 16 Hz to 40 kHz.

The transparency, speed and spine-tingling musical realism of
the Gryphon Trident ll system set new standards for audio vir-
tues such as resolution, timbre and soundstaging, illuminating
the music in ways previously experienced only occasionally
in glimpses or fragments of a speaker’s overall performance,
but rarely in a true full-range system.

Like every Gryphon product, Gryphon Trident ll is designed
by Gryphon founder and CEO Flemming E. Rasmussen and
manufactured in Denmark. The Gryphon Trident ll is a decla-
ration of love to music and a finely crafted sculptural element
to grace even the most luxurious of surroundings.

AMT tweeter