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TIE DOWN: The MTDK (TIE DOWN KIT) includes a pair of auger style anchors for
mounting the system in soil or through asphalt, plus wire rope and hardware needed to
attach the ramp or platform to the anchor. The tie down is designed to anchor the system
to resist seismic loading and hurricane strength winds, but is not rated for specific soil
conditions or seismic zones. Compliance with local building codes usually requires
anchoring calculations for the specific location, ground condition, and system stamped by
a professional engineer. Consult your sales representative if site specific stamped
calculations are required.
The installer, based on field conditions, will determine the exact location of the tie
downs. As a general rule, they should be positioned opposite one another as shown in
FIG. 6.23. Install the Pathway
modular ramp system to establish layout and locations. It
may be necessary to temporarily reposition components in order to install the anchors.
WARNING: Prior to installing the auger anchors into the ground, ensure that
any underground electrical conductors, natural gas lines, water/drain lines,
and/or other interferences are located and will not hinder the installation.
WARNING: Inspect installation regularly for any loose wire ropes, fasteners,
auger anchors, etc.
WARNING: Do not use concrete anchors in asphalt. Asphalt is not usually
considered a suitable surface for anchoring. Create holes in the asphalt and
anchor the system to the ground using auger style anchors.
FIG. 6.23