Introduction – Elenco Fiber Optics Voice Data Kit User Manual

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Welcome to the fascinating world of fiber optics technology!

Not long ago, fiber optics was little more than a laboratory

curiosity. Physicists and scientists in research labs were the only

people doing much work in this field. Components were typically

high-priced, unavailable, or had to be made from raw materials.

Generally, fiber optics was considered a very special field of

optics with few real applications. No company then in existence

specialized in fiber optics.

In the last 20 years all this has changed. Although the precise

origins of fiber optics are hard to define (one might say the

"beginning" occurred when light was created), many

knowledgeable people contend the turning point was the

successful demonstration of a fiber optic telephone line in 1976

by the Bell Telephone System. Since then, fiber optics has

become one of the breakthrough technologies world-wide. From

obscure beginnings in the back of a lab, fiber optics has become

the major advertising focus of communications giants such as

AT&T, Sprint and MCI, and it has simplified many medical

procedures. Fiber optics is now a leading edge technology. It

employs many of the world's brightest engineers and scientists

working in companies of all sizes.

We hope you enjoy your Adventures in Fiber Optics Kit. In it

are 20 action-filled experiments and five projects to impress your

friends, parents and fellow students. We hope it exceeds your

expectations and provides you with many hours of interesting

and stimulating activities. At this time please inspect your kit and

identify every item in the Kit Components list. If any items are

missing, please see the section entitled "Missing Parts &

Warranty Information."