Advanced troubleshooting, Customer service – Elenco Circuit Maker Skill Builder 125 User Manual

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Advanced Troubleshooting

(Adult supervision recommended)




is not responsible for parts

damaged due to incorrect wiring.

If you suspect you have damaged parts,

you can follow this procedure to

systematically determine which ones need



2.5V lamp (L1), motor (M1), speaker

(SP), and battery holder (B1):


batteries in holder. Place the 2.5V lamp

directly across the battery holder, it

should light. Do the same with the

motor (motor + to battery +), it should

spin to the right at high speed. “Tap” the

speaker across the battery holder

contacts, you should hear static as it

touches. If none work then replace your

batteries and repeat, if still bad then the

battery holder is damaged. If the motor

spins but does not balance the fan,

check the black plastic piece on the

motor shaft; it should have 3 prongs.


Snap wires:

Use this mini-circuit to test

the 5-snap and 6-snap wires. The lamp

should light. Then test each of the 1-

snap, 2-snap, 3-snap, and 4-snap

wires by connecting them

b e t w e e n

the ends of

the 5-snap

and 6-snap.


Slide switch (S1) and Press switch


Build Project #1, if the lamp (L1)

doesn’t light then the slide switch is

bad. Replace the slide switch with the

press switch to test it.


100W resistor (R1), 1KW resistor

(R2), and LED (D1):

Build Project #11

except initially use the speaker (SP) in

place of the resistor, the LED should

light. Then, replace the speaker with

the 100W resistor; the LED should still

light. Then, replace the 100W resistor

with the 1KW resistor; the LED should

light but not as brightly.


Alarm IC (U2):

Build Project #21, you

should hear a siren. Then place a 3-

snap wire between grid locations A1

and C1, the sound is different. Then

move the 3-snap from A1-C1 to A3-C3

to hear a third sound.


Music IC (U1):

Build Project #86 but

use the press switch (S2) in place of

the photoresistor (RP). Turn it on and

the LED (D1) flickers for a while and

stops, it resumes if you press and hold

down the press switch. Then touch a 3-

snap wire across base grid points A1

and C1 and the flickering resumes for a



Space war IC (U3) and photoresistor


Build Project #4, both switches

(S1 and S2) should change the sound.

Then replace the slide switch (S1) with

the photoresistor, waving your hand

over it should change the sound.


NPN transistor (Q2):

Build Project

#31. When both switches are on, the

lamp lights and motor spins. If one

switch is off, nothing happens.


470mF capacitor (C5):

Build Project

#50, then press and release the switch.

The LED should go off slowly.

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