Elenco Circuit Maker Skill Builder 125 User Manual

Page 35

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Project #59

Spinning Rings

Project #60

Strobe the House Lights



Moving parts. Do not touch the fan or

motor during operation.



Moving parts. Do not touch the fan or

motor during operation.

Setup: Cut out the disc on page #62 that looks like the one shown

here. Using Scotch tape, attach the disc with the printed side up on the

top of the fan blade. Place the blade on the motor as shown to the left

and below.
When the press switch (S2) is pressed, the arcs will turn into colored

rings with a black background. Notice how the color drops in

brightness when it is stretched to make a complete circle.

Use the circuit from Project #59.
Setup: Place the spinning rings under a fluorescent light that runs on

normal house current. Start the disc spinning and release the press

switch (S2). As the speed changes you will notice the white lines first

seem to move in one direction then they start moving in another

direction. This effect is because the lights are blinking 60 times a

second and the changing speed of the motor is acting like a strobe

light to catch the motion at certain speeds. To prove this, try the same

test with a flashlight. The light from a flashlight is constant and if all

other lights are out, you will not see the effect that looks like a

helicopter blade in a movie. Some fluorescent lights use an electronic

ballast and they also produce a constant light.

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