Echelon NodeLoad Utility User Manual
Page 6
Argument Description
Specify the L
network interface. For example:
To specify an i.LON
10 or i.LON 100 as the network interface, use the form
X.Profile.iLONname. For example:
LON1 is the default (no interface specified).
Redirect the NodeLoad output string to another Windows application. The
application uses the
WM_COPYDATA message to send the output string
to another application. The receiving application can then access the
output string from the
COPYDATASTRUCT structure sent by the
NodeLoad application. See the WM_COPYDATA documentation at
Fast download of communications parameters accomplished by skipping
the final reset at the end of the download. Changes to the communications
parameters will take effect on the next power cycle or reset.
This option applies to transceiver-parameter-only programming (-X
without -L). This option is also mutually exclusive with the –M argument.
Hold the current configuration of the network interface.
• If the device is currently configured, no changes are made.
• If the device is currently unconfigured and domain index 0 is valid,
the device will be configured.
If the device is unconfigured and domain index 0 is invalid, then
the normal default configuration is used (zero length domain,
random subnet ID, and node ID 126).
Specify the 6- or 12-byte authentication key to program into the device after
downloading the application and transceiver parameters. The chip will be
authenticated after the key is programmed.
Download application found in
the NDL file extension.
Specify a MIP image download, such as a ShortStack Micro Server image.
This option is used for downloads of applications that become non-
responsive at the end of the load, such as a ShortStack Micro Server.
Such applications go into a "quiet mode" after the application starts but
before it is fully initialized by the host processor. Thus, if you do not specify
the -M argument, NodeLoad will report a failure at the end of the load
process, even though the load is likely to have succeeded.
This option is mutually exclusive with the –F argument.
Specify the unique ID or Neuron ID of the chip to program. The unique ID
or Neuron ID should be specified as 12 hex digits. For example:
NodeLoad Utility User’s Guide