Eagle Tree Text OSD User Manual

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Copyright © 2008 Eagle Tree Systems, LLC

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Turning the OSD Off and On with a Spare Receiver Channel

If you want to switch the OSD off and on during operation, select the option “Turn OSD Off/On with Receiver Channel.” Then, during
operation, when the spare receiver channel is switched OFF, the OSD will turn off, and vice versa.

Setting Alarms for Parameters

High or Low alarm triggers can be set on most parameters, which will cause the alarm parameter to flash on the display. Also, if you use a spare receiver
channel to turn the Expander off, you can configure the alarm to turn the Expander back on when a trigger occurs. Also, the alarm can be configured to
switch the Expander to that parameter’s OSD page automatically.

For example, if you want to configure a low voltage alarm of 10 volts, and want the OSD to remain turned OFF until that low voltage is detected, you would
do the following:

1) Add the “Voltage” parameter to the display.
2) With the Voltage parameter highlighted on the simulated display, click “Low Alarm Enabled” and enter “10.0” for the alarm trigger value.
3) Click the “Turn on the OSD when alarm is triggered.” Option.
4) Click the “Check here to automatically Switch to this Parameter’s OSD page when alarm is triggered” option.

Then, while you are operating your vehicle, the OSD can be turned off with your radio, and will turn itself back on, and flash the voltage, when the voltage
goes below 10V.

Switching Between Multiple Display Pages
If more than one OSD display page has been configured, there are two ways of switching between the pages during operation. The first way is to set a page
switch timer, which causes the page to automatically be switched in the specified number of seconds – choose “Switch between pages every ___ seconds”
for this option. The second way is to use the connection to the spare receiver channel to switch the pages – choose “Switch OSD pages with Receiver
Channel” for this option. If this option is chosen, toggling the spare receiver channel OFF and then ON (within 1 second) causes the OSD to advance to the
next page.

Displaying Max vs Live Values

Sometimes it is desirable to have the OSD display the max values (or minimum Voltage) after operation. To do this, choose one of the Max
Values options. The two choices are “Show max values when current draw is zero” which causes max values to be displayed when there is
no current draw through the current sensor (requires a current sensor or the eLogger). The other choice is “Show Max Values when
Temperature A Sensor is Disconnected.” This causes the Max values to be displayed when the first Temperature sensor is disconnected
from the eLogger or Recorder. NOTE: Max values are indicated on the display with a “↑”, or a “↓” for Voltage.

GPS, HOME ARROW and Distance to Pilot Parameter Information
When equipped with our GPS Expander, the OSD can display several GPS related parameters.

If the OSD Expander detects that a GPS is connected, it will not complete initialization until a valid 3D fix is attained. If for some reason you want to skip
the wait for a valid 3D fix, just switch the spare receiver channel off and on quickly. If you are not using the spare receiver channel to switch the OSD,
you will need to disconnect the GPS from the eLogger or Recorder to bypass this check.

The Home Arrow is an arrow and reading indicating the direction to turn to reach “home” (the location where the GPS first acquired a fix after power-up).
To use the Home Arrow, just select the “Home Arrow” parameter for display.

IMPORTANT: The Home Arrow and other OSD information is intended as a safety feature only, and is not intended to be a navigation system for
your model. You should always use a spotter if your eyes are not on your model. Any use of the OSD to attempt to navigate your model is not
supported, and is done at your own risk.

The Home Arrow makes it easy to determine the direction and amount of turn needed to be back on course to home. If the angular distance between the
direction the vehicle is traveling and Home is less than +/- 15 degrees, a forward arrow “↑” is displayed indicating you are approximately on course,
followed by an arrow that indicates the direction to turn “←” or “→”, followed by the angle to turn. For example, if you needed to turn 10 degrees to the
right to be headed perfectly toward home, the following would be displayed: Hom↑→10.

Similarly, if the turn needed is greater than +/-15 degrees, the display shows the amount to turn. For example, if a 45 degree turn to the left is needed to
head for home, the display would be Hom←45. If you are heading almost the opposite direction from home (+/-15 degrees from opposite), the display will
show a “↓” in addition to the turn direction. For example, if you were traveling so that a 170 degree turn to the right was needed to return to home, the
following would be displayed: Hom↓→170.

The Distance to Pilot parameter indicates, in either Feet or Meters, the distance between the model and the location the first GPS fix was acquired.

Configuring Units of Measure
The units of measure are chosen by clicking “Software, Choose Units of Measure.”