ADLINK HSL-DI16DO16-M-NN User Manual

Page 119

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HSL Function Library

I16 HSL_D_get_di_latch_function(I16 card_ID, I16

connect_index, I16 slave_No, I16 channel,
I16 * active_mode, I16 *duration);

Visual Basic (Windows 98/NT/2K/XP)

HSL_D_set_di_latch_function (ByVal card_ID As

Integer, ByVal connect_index As Integer,
ByVal slave_No As Integer, ByVal channel As
Integer, ByVal active_mode As Integer, ByVal
duration As Integer) As Integer

HSL_D_set_di_latch_functionA (ByVal card_ID As

Integer, ByVal connect_index As Integer,
ByVal slave_No As Integer, ByVal active_mode
As Integer, ByVal duration As Integer) As

HSL_D_get_di_latch_function (ByVal card_ID As

Integer, ByVal connect_index As Integer,
ByVal slave_No As Integer, ByVal channel As
Integer, active_mode As Integer, duration As
Integer) As Integer

@ Argument

card_ID: Specify the HSL master card index. Normally, the board

index sequence would be decided by the system. The index is
from 0.

connect_index: For the PCI-7851, the valid value is 0. For the

PCI-7852 and PMC-7852/G, the valid value is 0 or 1.

slave_No: Specifiy the slave module with slave index which want

to perform this function. The valid value is from 1 to 63.

channel: Specifiy the DI channel. The valid value is from 0 to 15.

active_mode: Latch the DI signal

0: active ON
1: active OFF

duration: Latch time, unit: millisecond. The valid value is from 0

to 127