System requirements – 3DLABS Oxygen GMX User Manual
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System Requirements
96 MB memory
96 MB of on-board memory drives super-high resolution, true-color
displays, with over 24 MB of available texture memory.
1920 x 1080 True-color maximum resolution
Oxygen GMX supports resolutions from 640 x 480 to 1920 x 1080 at a
variety of refresh rates and color depths.
Full precision 32-bit Z-buffer
The Oxygen GMX Z-buffer provides the highest level of depth-precision,
even at the highest resolutions.
16 light sources
Sixteen light sources increase your viewing flexibility, letting you see
models the way you imagine them.
Full AGP sideband addressing
Sideband addressing ensures high-performance 3D acceleration through
the advanced features of the AGP bus.
System Requirements
Your system must have the following features in order to support your card:
Pentium II
(or later) based system
NT 4.0 (or later) operating system
128 MB RAM (Random Access Memory)
512 K level 2 cache minimum
3 MB minimum available hard drive space
AGP slot
VGA multisync monitor