Directed Electronics 64601910 d2500.1 User Manual
Page 15

© 2002 Directed Electronics, Inc
The Viper d2500.1 subwoofer ampli-
fiers can also be used in multiples of the
Parallel Synced Gain combination
allowing for unlimited expansion to a
systems subwoofer section. To use
multiples of the Parallel Synced Gain
combination the following directions
must be adhered to for best results.
AAuuddiioo ssiiggnnaall - Divide the head unit
or processor audio signal to the
master amplifier by using RCA Y
adapters. Be sure to divide them an
even number of times to ensure the
input level at each master amplifier
is matched.
moottee SSuubb LLeevveell CCoonnttrrooll - The
Remote Sub Level Control cable can
be divided several times to connect
to each master amplifier. This can
be accomplished by using one or
more Directed Remote Sub Level
cable splitters. Standard single-to-
double phone line splitters and
accessories from a local electronics
store can also be used.
For systems with more than two
master/slave combinations, use
multiple single-to-double splitters.
Do not use phone splitters that
divide the signal more than once
per splitter or splitters designed for
multiple uses.
mpplliiffiieerr ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn - When
using multiple Parallel Synced Gain
amplifier combinations follow the
instructions in the
Parallel Synced
Gain section of this guide for each
individual combination.