Operating the appliance, Whisk, Universal cutter – Siemens MQ 5 N 599 User Manual

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To prevent injury, repairs such as repiacing

a damaged cord, shouid oniy be carried
out by our customer service.

Do not use the hand biender with damp hands

and do not operate it at no ioad.
Operate the hand biender with originai

accessories oniy.
Caution when processing hot iiquids.

Liquids may spiash during processing.
Do not immerse the appiiance in iiquid above

the biender foot-base unit connection point.

Never immerse the gear attachment in iiquid.



Risk of injury from sharp biade/

' \ rotating drive!

Never grip the blade on the blender

foot/universal cutter. Never clean

the blender blade/cutter blade with

just your hands. Use a brush.

Take hold of the cutter blade by
the plastic handle only.

Operating the appliance

Compieteiy unwind the power cord.

Blender foot

For biending mayonnaise, sauces, drinks,
baby food and for cutting cooked fruit and


The hand biender is not suitabie for the

preparation of mashed potatoes.

Fig. 5

Piace the biender foot on the base unit and

iock into position.

insert the mains piug.

Put ingredients into the biender jug.

Set the required speed. Firmiy hoid

the hand biender and jug. To prevent
the ingredients from spiashing, do not

press the On button untii the biender foot
has been immersed in the ingredients.

Aiways switch off the hand biender before

taking it out of the processed food.


For whipping cream, beating egg whites and

making miik shakes (coid miik, max.

8 °C).


Never insert the whisk into the base unit

without the gear attachment.

Fig. 6

Piace the gear attachment on the base unit

and iock into position.

insert the whisk into the gear attachment

and iock into position.

insert the mains piug.

Put ingredients into the biender jug.

Set the required speed

(high speed recommended).

Take hoid of the base unit and biender

jug and press the On button.

Universal cutter

For cutting herbs, onions, fruit, vegetabies,

crushing ice, cutting hard cheese and meat
(see aiso “Tips on using the universai cutter”).

You can crush ice with the ice crusher biade

(some modeis). Optimum processing quantity:

4-6 ice cubes.


Before cutting meat, remove gristie, bones

and sinews.

The universai cutter is not suitabie for grinding

coffee beans or cutting radishes. Operate
the universai cutter at maximum speed oniy.

Fig. 8

Piace the universai cutter on a smooth,

ciean work surface and press.

insert the biade.

Add food.

Piace the attachment on the universai

cutter and rotate in a ciockwise direction
untii it ”ciicks” into position.

Piace the base unit on the attachment and
iock into position.

insert the mains piug.

Hoid the base unit and universai cutter

firmiy and press the On button.