Troubleshooting (continued) – Audiovox VE 1510DV User Manual
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Troubleshooting (Continued)
Remole control cennot De
* le battery exhausted, or la t)etiefy poiariy wrong?
* Aie you uiéng a un^vanel remola?
(The unit wiN not operate wttt ertother remote other then
the one supplied from the rnanufecbnr).
hnag* Savori lo
* Thv OVUM might be from e poor power oonrteeSon to the unft.
(Veri^ when you put the i#iS together that the DC power oorwtedor
wee oonnacted to the unit fkst before pluggir>g the AC a0a(4er mio the
* Unplug frie AC edapter from the weft end reinsert efter 10 seconds lo
IMI dote oot FuKten M
Per Deer Merdai
* Reset Ths Unit:
(1) Tum OFFlheunt
(Veifry that the top and button fghi are red, tndteatfrrg friey are OFF).
(2) ONLY from the top of the unti (Do Not Uee Remote) prees and
hotd the VOL «-button.
(3) Quiokfy press end releeee frie power button. (Green Ight ¥vH Re)
(4) Continue to prees and hold ths VOL « button undl ths vohjme
numbers start to Inaeaae on the TV.
(5) Power OFF the TV wiBi the TV POWER button on the top of me
(6) Wal 5 seconds and hit the main POWER button to turn on the DVD
and TV together.
(NOTE: The fbsl tme you power up the unK. ft needs 10 seconds to
fuly mwalln. Oo not touch any buttons).
* If uni does not respond Pul power end wsl 10 secor>ds befom
Ineertlng posmr.
TV « OFF «Kt №ere •
s8ll sound
This le 8 known Issue and Is part of the design. (The DVD base umt
needs to be powered OFF).
TV uni « ItfTìed on end
Me H NO plctufs nepc
■ teysblech
Once power « not gomg to the TV sectton. N acts as an mdepenoent unIL
The TV section needs a response from the base uni to inlielize.
(Prose me function button (OVD. TV, FM. AUX) on the bese to InItiaBzs)
Fr»qu*ntty nk*d quMtton« (Q&A)
Con 1 do video reoommg?
'Abnoet el DVD (fiaoe have copy protection so recording io not pocsible
Ceni playback tea wlh
no region manbar?
*The region number tndleatas toat toe dise oonflrme to the DVD stenderd.
* Dtecs which do not comply with the standard cwmot be played
Sound aaama
lowar than TV or redto,
‘Dolby oigiiel audio sHm*frt f>we a wUe dynemte range (Le., the
rartge between Ngh and low volume) so m gsneral volums sssms
to sound tow.
Can 1 playi^ick OVDa
porchaaao abroad?
*1 ths reg>on numbar oonteins *ALL* or *1* and the formst ie NTSC,
it can be pisyed beefe
Gan 1 playback yioaoa or
COapuchaaad ovaraaaa?
*They can be played beck tft^ey ere in NTSC formal.