Troubleshooting (continued) – Audiovox VE 1510DV User Manual

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Troubleshooting (Continued)

For TV broadcuts


Diagnosis / SoluHon

Power does fW go on

*la (no powar supply unptuggod Irom the wto eottet?

(Mska surs R is kiaartad into »a wsR ouUot)

*ls lha DC M on lha baao unR Rrmty oonnactad?
*la lha DC OUT on lha basa unR Ir^ connadod?
*la lha DC M on tha TV aacRon flnWy connedad?

Imsos tnekes. orimege Is

*ls thers dagenarston, breakaga or aiaconnactton of

toe antenna or antenna wts7

*1$ toe antenna wtra oonnactoo oonsoRy?

Thom are «pod on №•

ptdure. or tfw tcmn


*le the lyeltm etftacted (by fBcFo wave Msde^ence or

Induced eisUioniegnetic wave») by eademsl eouroet
(euioniQQne cr vam, ragn-venege wvae, neon,
motors, magnaCzad ttoal ftama.sto.)?
Turn off ttia power supply and try changing toe
equipment setup toeelton

The ^nage eppears

*Tha antonna drscRon BhNtad?
‘Are rsllectivw slectiomegneec waves being received

from mountains or buMtogt 7

Aeolor appoan.

or cekfs daappear

*le the equ^inteni being efleded by another TV

(eisctromegnedc Irderlsrartce}?

Cher^big the TV locMon mey cause improyement

Whan tna Imago is not
staUa. lha scraan turns

cpmplilety BLACK lora


*rNs occurs when tie slgrwHor drMng the video

mordlor is host, snd is not s maNuncdon.

The soeen goes darit

momeNaity when the

channel It changed.

*Tha screen is dvx tors moment to oonceal


Unable 10 Receive

'Change caUa system stmidard(SRO. IRC. HRC)

(Imaga not dean change Cabla Standard)

* To chariga the cable standard »elect M£NU/SE1£CT bUton to erder the

saloct TV SETUP end eotect the CABLE standard thet your cablo

prtntoar ie prnrkSrg to you.

* If you do not know the cable standard plaasa contact your cable prowldar
