Safety precautions, Astrostart – AstroStart 3106M User Manual

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Before using this product, carefuiiy read the foiiowing safety precautions.

Make sure the parking brake is operationai, i.e. it has the capabiiity of


the vehicie.

The gearshift iever must not be accessibie without the remote starter system being abie to detect the

opening of a door (and the rear hatch, if appiicabie).

in the case of convertibie vehicies,

it is strongiy recommended

that a motion detector be

integrated to the system.

Never perform a remote start

when a person or animai is inside the vehicie.

Do not aiiow

any person or animai to remain inside the vehicie when the engine is running under

remote starter controi (continuous mode).

Keep remote controis

away from chiidren at aii time.

immediateiy report any maifunction to the AstroStart deaier that performed instaiiation.

Under no circumstance can this product or its use be modified


Aiways turn off main switch when vehicie is parked in an enciosed, unventiiated area or is in for


Aiways turn off main switch when not using your Remote Starter for extended periods of time.

Have your engine tuned reguiariy to ensure optimum performance of your Remote Starter.

Make sure that the windshieid wipers and the headiights are turned off before ieaving vehicie.

Reguiariy check the system's safety features (see “Safety Checks” on page 18.)

Aiways advise service personnei that your vehicie is equipped with a Remote Starter and a starter

cut function.

Make sure you compiy with aii iocai reguiations which may prohibit ieaving your engine running

when vehicie is unattended in a pubiic piace.

To ensure continued safe operation of your remote starter, ask your AstroStart deaier to periodicaiiy

check and/or tune the remote starting system.

Aii users of the vehicie shouid be aware

of the safety precautions and operation procedures.

Make sure that the warning sticker is present on the driver's window.
