Programming (cont.) – Culligan Medallist Plus Series User Manual
Page 9

The Culligan Medallist Series Filter is equipped with an advanced error detection system. During
all operating modes the filter’s electronics are performing self-diagnostics to ensure that the unit is
operating correctly. There may be times, however, when something may occur that could cause the
unit to improperly operate. In those instances the microprocessor will identify the exact problem and
alert the user with a telephone handset symbol in the upper left corner of the display and the error
code will be shown. Shown below is codes that would appear if an error is detected.
Error Description
Motor will not stop turning
Call Culligan service technician
Motor stuck
Call Culligan service technician
Wrong position
Call Culligan service technician
If an error code appears that requires an authorized service technician please contact your local
Culligan Dealer.
For any additional troubleshooting or service needs please contact your local Culligan Dealer.