Setting days to water, Setting station run times, Eliminating a program start time – Hunter X-CORE User Manual

Page 20: Setting the program start time(s), Setting station run times setting days to water, Programming the controller

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setting the program start Time(s)

1. Turn the dial to the stARt tIMes position.
2. The factory preset is set on program

A. If necessary, you can select program

B, or C by pressing the button.

3. Use the

or button to change

the start time. (The start times

advance in 15 minute increments).

4. Press the button to add an

additional start time, or button

for the next program.

NoTE: One start time will activate all stations
sequentially in that program. this eliminates the
need to enter each station’s start time. Multiple
start times in a program can be used for separate
morning, afternoon, or evening watering cycles.
start times may be entered in any order. the X-Core
will automatically sort them.

Eliminating a program start Time

With the dial set to stARt tIMes

position, push the or button until

you reach 12:00 AM (Midnight). From

here push the button once to reach

the OFF position.

proGrammING THE CoNTrollEr

setting station run Times

1. Turn the dial to RUn tIMes position.
2. The display will show the last program

selected (A, B, or C), the station number

selected, icon, and the station will be

flashing. You can switch to another

program by pressing the button.

3. Use the

or button to change the

station run time on the display. You can

set the run times from 0 to 4 hours.

4. Press the button to advance to the

next station.

setting Days To Water

1. Turn the dial to the WAteR DAys position.
2. The display will show the last program

selected (A, B, or C). You can switch to

another program by pressing the button.

3. The controller will display the seven days

of the week (MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU).

Each day will have a icon or a icon

above the day. The icon would represent

an “On” water day, while a icon would

represent an “Off” watering day.