Calibration/setup, Connecting a hunter solar sync et sensor – Hunter X-CORE User Manual
Page 17

CoNNECTING a HUNTEr solar syNC ET sENsor
After Solar Sync has been installed and programmed, it is recommended to allow the system to run for a few days at the initial setting.
Because of the variety in site conditions (including sensor location, amount of direct sunlight available to the sensor, reflective heat from
surrounding structures, etc), the initial setting may require adjustment in order to arrive at the desired performance. The calibration
of the Solar Sync to a particular site can easily be accomplished by adjusting the Region and/or Water Adjustment settings. The instructions
below outline this process:
1. Install Solar Sync sensor
2. Program Region and allow system to operate at initial setting for a minimum of 3 days (see page 13 for instructions on how to determine
proper Region setting).
3. Observe the Seasonal Adjust on the controller. If the Seasonal Adjust amount appears to be lower or higher than expected for that time
of year, the Solar Sync settings need to be adjusted.
a. seasonal Adjust too low: Turn the dial to the Solar Sync settings position. Increase the value on the Water Adjustment scale (10 is max).
Once the setting is changed, the controller will immediately be updated with the new Seasonal Adjust %. Increase the Water Adjustment
setting until the desired Seasonal Adjust % is shown. If you max out the Water Adjustment scale at 10 and still require more seasonal
Adjust, move down to the next lower Region (from Region 4 to 3, for example).
b. seasonal Adjust too high: Turn the dial to the Solar Sync settings position. Decrease the value on the Water Adjustment scale (default
setting is 5). Once the setting is changed, the controller will immediately be updated with the new Seasonal Adjust %. Decrease the Water
Adjustment setting until the desired Seasonal Adjust % is shown. If you minimize the Water Adjustment scale down to 1 and still require
a reduction in seasonal Adjust, move up the next Region (from Region 2 to 3, for example).
station Run times: It is important to understand that Solar Sync provides a global seasonal adjustment to the controller. This means that
all station run times will be modified by the seasonal adjust percentage shown. When programming the controller, the run times should be
entered that represent peak season watering schedules. If the Solar Sync is adjusting to the appropriate seasonal adjust value but the run
time for a particular station appears to be too long/short, adjust the station run time in the controller program.