Easy, The finer points of dehydration – Ronco EZ-Store 5-Tray Turbo Dehydrator User Manual
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The fIneR PoInTs of DehYDRaTIon
The first step in beginning the process of dehydration is to
know what dehydration is. Dehydrating is the process of
heating food to evaporate moisture inside the food and then
removing the water and vapor that is formed.
The second is to know how to keep records of your
dehydrated food. This way you’ll develop a system and good
pattern of quality food drying. We recommend you record
the weight of the food before and after dehydration. By
labeling drying times on the storage containers will increase
the consistency of the quality of dried food.
Once the food is dried and stored, you may use it over a
period of time in all the fun recipes and crafts presented in
this manual or creations of your own. To obtain a rehydrated
state, soak the food in water, and then it is ready to use in all
of your favorite recipes. Of course our favorite way to enjoy
freshly dehydrated food is to eat it right away as a snack!
Just slice, dry and
store. The prep
work is minimal and
the “cooking“ is