Operating instructions, Maintenance and lubrication, Adjustments – MTD 219-250 User Manual

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A brief break in period is essential to insure maxi­

mum engine life. This consists of running the engine at

half speed for a period of time required to use one tank of

gasoline. This is necessary on the initial run only. It is

also recommended that the oil be changed after five (5)
hours of operation. This allows for the removal of impurities
which may have accumulated during the break in period.
Subsequent oil changes should be made as stated in the
engine manual. Always check oil before using your tiller.

Be sure crankcase is full.


For your own convenience and safety, observe all safety
suggestions shown on the front cover. Your tiller is not a
toy, it is a precision piece of power equipment. Treat it
as such.

It is important to recognize the fact that the forward and
penetrating action of the rotary tiller is obtained from the
rotating action of the tines in the soil. The depth bar acts

as a brake for the tiller and controls the depth and speed at

which the machine will operate. By lowering the setting of
the depth bar, the forward speed of the machine is reduced

and the working depth of the tines is increased. Raising the

setting of the depth bar increases the forward speed and

reduces the working depth. When soil conditions are severe
and several passes must be made over a certain area, the

depth bar setting should be lowered each time a pass is
made. Further control of tilling depth and travel speed can

be obtained by variation of pressure on the handles. A down­
ward pressure on the handles will increase the working
depth and reduce the forward speed. An upward pressure on

the handles will reduce the working depth and increase the
forward speed. The type of soil and working conditions will
determine the actual setting of the depth bar and the handle

pressure required.

1. Tine engagement and forward travel is achieved by mov­

ing the clutch control handle to “Forward” position. Tine
rotation and forward motion are stopped by moving the
clutch control handle to “Neutral” position. Reverse tine
action and reverse travel motion can be maintained by

HOLDING the clutch control handle in “Reverse” position.
Releasing the handle stops reverse operation automatically.

2. The throttle control lever adjusts the engine speed. It

also gives finger tip control of the carburetor and magneto

stop switch. With the throttle control knob pushed com­
pletely forward, the carburetor is in “Choke or Start”
position. Pulling the knob out slightly adjusts the engine
speed to “Fast.” Pulling the knob further out reduces the
the engine speed to “Slow.”

When the knob is pulled completely out, the magneto
stop switch grounds out the spark and stops the engine.

3. With the depth bar raised out of operation, self propelled

transporting of the tiller is easily achieved. With no pres­

sure on the handles and the throttle control set for “Slow”
engine speed, move the clutch control handle to the for­
ward position and let the tiller gently propel itself.


Belt and clutch adjustments can be made with the

adjustable control rod.

“0” RING

- If oil leakage at the bearing cap should occur,

take up on the “0” ring of the gear case may be needed.
This is accomplished by removing the locking clamp and
turning the bearing adjustment cap clockwise enough to
correct. Move adjustment cap back one notch and replace
locking clamp.


- If adjustment becomes necessary, the throttle

control wire assembly can be reset as follows:

1. Loosen, but do not remove, screw securing throttle con­

trol wire assembly at engine.

2. Move throttle control knob to “Choke or Start” position.
3. Move lever, to whicli control wire is fastened at engine,

to full choke or open position and retighten screw to se­
cure throttle control wire assembly.


- The position of the handles may be adjusted

by removing and moving carriage bolts in the lower mounting
holes. Adjustment should be made for the most convenient
operating height.


- Wheel positions may be varied to give further

adjustment of handle height. Various wheel positions also
give .variations of the leverage and weight distribution over
the tines. Wheels should be set to suit the local soil condi­
tions and the operator's convenience.


- The standard width of cut is 26”. Because of the

various types of work the tiller may be put to, variation in
the tillingwidths maybe necessary.This can be accomplish­
ed in a number of ways.

1. Standard tine arrangement....................................... 26”
2. Remove outer tine assemblies (complete).............. 12”
3. Remove outer tines from outer tine

assemblies. Tines may be interchanged
with opposite sides..................................................20”

4. Add tine extensions to standard arrangement. . 40”


When adjusting tines, be sure the cutting edges enter

the soil first.



- Service engine in accordance with the engine

manufacturer’s owner’s guide.


To drain oil, remove

oil filler plug and tip liller on its side. Drain oil while the

engine is warm. See engine manual for filling instructions.


- Proper lubricant level should be up to the

rear pipe plug. Check with tiller on a level surface. Add

lubricant through vented pipe plughole. Add enough to bring
level up to rear pipe plug hole. Use Mobilube SAE 140 Gear
Oil or equivalent. Gear case should be maintained with five
(5) ounces of lubricant.

Lubricate the upper bushing in the gear case with a small

amount of grease. Do not over lubricate as any excess will
enter the gear case proper. Use a high pressure gun grease.


- Periodically lubricate throttle control lever

and throttle control wire assembly with a few drops of light
oil (SAE 10 or 20) for ease of operation.



- Belt slack is taken up by a spring loaded idler

pulley. Because of this, belt adjustment is not required.


- No adjustment in clutch linkage is required.

This is done automatically by the spring loaded idler.


- Access to “V” belt and pulley assemblies is

accomplished by removing the en^ne and engine bed as
described below.

1. Place clutch contool handle into “Neutral” position.

FORM NO. 770-1882E

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