Note – MTD 216-100A User Manual

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1. Your tiller is a precision piece of power equipment.

Exercise extreme CAUTION at all times.

2. Do not attempt to start engine with the clutch con­

trol in the engaged or FORWARD position.


Stand clear of tines when starting engine. Never

stand in front of, or work on tines while the en­

gine is running.


NEVER place hands or feet in the vicinity of the

tines while the engine is running.

5. Always stop engine when tiller is not in actual use.


Always disconnect spark plug wire during repairs

or refueling operations.

7. Do not fill fuel tank while engine is running. Do not

spill gasoline on hot engine.

Your rotary tiller is a precision built machine designed

to take the work out of gardening and other related

chores. It can be used for seed bed preparation, tilling,

cultivating, furrowing, composting and mulching. Like

any other piece of power equipment, it requires a cer­

tain amount of care and maintenance. In return for

this, it will give a maximum of service and efficiency.

Read these instructions carefully before assembling or

operating your tiller. Through proper care and opera­

tion, you will obtain long, efficient service and trouble

free operation.


Your tiller is shipped without oil in the
engine crankcase. See engine manual
for correct type and amount.


Wheels — Insert axle bolts (23) into wheel hubs. Place

washers (26) between wheel and leg. Attach wheel

and axle assemblies to outside of tiller legs (27) and
(30). Secure with nuts (29) and lockwashers (28). Tight­
en securely. See page 6 for correct sequence of parts.

Handle — Assemble the handle brackets (8) to the

handle (2) With hex head screw (11), lockwashers (9)
and hex nuts (10). DO NOT tighten. Place the han­
dle brackets (8) in the tailpiece slots. Line up lower

holes in handle brackets with mounting holes in tail­
piece assembly. Secure with carriage bolt 5/16-18 x

%" Lg. (20), lockwasher (13) and hex nut (12). Line
up upper holes in handle brackets with mounting holes
in mounting plate assemblies (19) and secure with car­
riage bolt (20), lockwasher (13) and hex nut (12). See

page 6 for correct sequence. Tighten all nuts and bolts


Clutch Lever—Assemble in this order: rubber wash­

er (42), steel washer (41), clutch lever assembly (43),

(rod bracket to the front), steel washer (41) and lock
nut (40). Tighten until rubber washer compresses

slightly. (See page 6.)

Clutch Control Assembly — Screw the ferrule (37) on

the threaded end of the control rod (38) until about


of the threads show above the ferrule. Insert the

ferrule through the control pivot lever (36), fasten with
flat washer (35) and cotter hairpin (34). Put the clutch
handle in the neutral position. Insert the control rod
in the bracket on the clutch lever and secure with a cot­

ter hairpin (34) through the center of the bracket. Ad­

just the ferrule so the belt is slack when the clutch

lever is in the neutral position. (See page 6.)

Depth Bar —Attach depth bar (18) in desired position
with clevis pin (17) and locking pin (15). (See page 6.)

Grips — Slip hand grips on the upper end of each

handle. They will slip on more easily if you first soak
them in warm soapy water.


Your rotary tiller is shipped complete in a single car­
ton. The tines, wheels, handle and depth bar are to be

assembled. This is done in the manner described be­

Tines—Mount tines on tine shaft as shown. (See page

8.) Tines must be mounted with the cutting edges fac­
ing the correct direction. The tiller will not operate

properly unless the sharpened surface of the tines enter
the soil first. Secure tines in position on tine shaft with

cap screws (35), and nuts (24).


Oust pads (21 and 22) are provided in
screw pack. Install dust pads as shown

on page 8.


Remove spark plug wire from spark plug and

ground. Check tiller tines for proper installation.

With throttle control lever set on STOP position and
the clutch control handle set in FORWARD position,

slowly crank engine to determine direction of tine
rotation. Be sure all tines are mounted so the sharp­
ened edges enter the soil first.


Now place the clutch control handle in NEUTRAL

position. Slowly crank engine . The tines should not


3. Check all nuts and bolts for proper tightness. This

is especially important during the initial operation
period. Make this same check periodically there­