Note, B. oil change, Chain case lubrication – MTD 215-395A User Manual

Page 8: Chain adjustment, Air filter

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This tiller is equipped with a variable

speed pulley making it necessary for

the engine to be running to move

the control lever into the faster speeds.

A downward pressure on the handles

will increase working depth and re­
duce the forward speed. An upward

pressure on the handles will reduce the
working depth and increase the for­
ward speed. The type of soil and work­
ing conditions will determine the actual

setting of the depth bar and the handle

pressure required.

If the tines stop rotating or the belt

slips, stop the engine and examine the
tine area for a rock or some object that
may be jamming the tines and prevent
them from turning. Reversing the tiller

will usually free the object.


If the tines tend to bounce instead of

cutting into the soil, one or more sets
of tines may be on backwards. The
cutting edge of the tines should enter

the soil first.

Step 6. To reverse the direction of rotation of the

tines, pull the control lever into the reverse

position. The control lever must be held in

reverse. See figure 9.

b. Oil Change

To avoid spilling gasoline on your lawn or driveway,
plan to change the oil when the gasoline tank and car­
buretor are empty.

After the first two hours of operating a new engine,
drain the oil from the crankcase while the engine is

still hot and refill the crankcase with new oil; there­
after change the oil after every 25 hours of operation.

This procedure ensures for minimum wear of engine
parts and provides for virtually trouble-free operation.

To change the oil, proceed as follows:

Step 1. With the machine on level ground, place a

suitable metal container under the oil drain

plug, then remove the drain plug. See figure


Step 2. After the oil has been drained completely

from the crankcase, replace the drain plug and

Step 3. With the tiller on level ground, remove the

oil filler plug (See figure 16). Fill the crankcase

until the oil overflows from the oil fill hole.
Fill slowly to avoid air locks. The crankcase

should hold approximately 2% pints of SAÉ
30 type MS engine oil. Replace the oil filler


The chain is permanently lubricated and requires no
further lubrication unless the case is disassembled for

If the case is disassembled, clean the chain with kero­
sene, allow it to dry and work a high temperature

grease, such as Lubriplate No. 310 into the chain.


A 4 oz. container of Lubriplate No. 310

is available under part number 727-0136.


No chain adjustment is necessary.


Under normal operating conditions, the air cleaner,
located on top of the carburetor, must be serviced
after every ten hours of use. Under extremely dusty

operating conditions, the air cleaner must be serviced
after every hour of operation. See figure 15.

Step 1. Remove the wing nut and cover.

Step 2. Remove the paper element from the support


Step 3. To clean, tap the paper element (either top or

bottom) on a flat surface or wash in a non-

sudsing detergent and flush from the inside
until the water is clear. After washing, air dry
thoroughly before using.


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