Maintenance and lubrication, Replacing tiller gear case oil seals, Attachments – MTD 219-100 User Manual

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TINES - The standard width of cut is 26”. Because of the

various types of work the tiller may be put to, variation in

the tilling widths may be necessary. This can be accom­
plished in a number of ways.

1. Standard tine arrangement ............................................ 26”
2. Remove outer tines from outer tine assemblies. Tines

may be interchanged with opposite sides................... 20”

3. Add tine extensions to standard arrangement . . . 40”
NOTE: When adjusting tines, be sure the cutting edges

enter the soil first.

7. Reach through inspection hole and guide belt into posi­

tion on engine pulley.

8. Check visually through inspection hole to make sure belt

is inside all belt guards and that pulleys are in proper al­
ignment. A flashlight will help you make this check

quickly and easily.

9. Line up mounting holes and replace cap screws. Do not

tighten cap screws until all are in place. Replace inspec­
tion plate.



- Service engine in accordance with the engine

manufacturer’s owner’s guide. NOTE: To drain oil, remove
oil filter plug and tip filler on its side. Drain oU while the
engine is warm. See engine manual for filling instructions.


- Proper lubricant level should be up to the

rear pipe plug. Check with tiller on a level surface. Add
enough to bring level up to rear pipe plug hole. Use Mobil-
ube SAE 140 Gear Oil or equivalent. Gear case should be
maintained with five (5) ounces of lubricant.

Lubricate the upper bushing in the gear case with a small
amount of grease. Do not over lubricate as any excess will
enter the gear case proper. Use a high pressure gun grease.

THROTTLE - Periodically lubricate thorttle control lever
and throttle control wire assembly with a few drops of light

oil (SAE 10 or 20) forease of operation.

BELTS - Access to “V” belt and pulley assemblies is accom­
plished by removing the engine and engine bed as described


1. Remove four cap screws which secure engine bed to

mounting plate assembly. Remove engine and engine
bed. Do not kink control wire.

2. Loosen set screw in 41i” pulley. Remove pulley and

“V” belt. If belt clip on idler must be loosened to re­
move belt, mark correct location of belt clip in relation
to idler before loosening. This can be done by scribing
the belt clip and the end of the weld bolt in idler with a
file. It is most important that this clip be reassembled in
the right position.

3. Position belt on 41^” pulley and replace on worm shaft.

Pulley must be mounted in position so that it will line
up with engine pulley when assembly is completed. The
correct position is that point at which the center of the

pulley is 1-1/8” above the mounting plate assembly.
Tighten set screw securely.

4. If belt clip has been loosened, Une up in original position

and tighten securely. Make sure belt is inside belt guards.

While holding the belt taut (grasp at extreme rear posi­

tion), move clutch control handle to “Forward” and
“Neutral” position. If belt clip touches belt with handle
in either position, readjust position of clip.

5. Move clutch control handle to “Neutral” position. Re­

move inspection plate from engine bed.

6. Replace engine bed and engine on mounting plate as­

sembly. Do not kink control wire. Move engine bed and

engine as far forward as possible.


1. Drain lubricant.

2. Remove tine assemblies.
3. Remove bearing adjustment cap.
4. Remove bearings, worm wheel, and tine shaft. Do not re­

move bearing races.

5. Remove oil seals from gear case and bearing adjustment


6. Remove all burrs from holes in tine shaft.
7. Dip oil seals in lubricant and then insert one in gear case

and one in bearing adjustment cap.

8. Wipe tine shaft clean of filings and lubricate before as­

sembling with bearings and worm wheel in gear case.

9. Replace bearing adjustment cap.

CAUTION: Do not damage oil seals. The open flanges
face to the outside of the gear case.

10. Tighten bearing adjustment cap enough to seal “O”


11. Lock bearing adjustment cap in position with locking


12. Replace tines and add lubricant.


- Check periodically all nuts and bolts. Loose

nuts and bolts can cause permanent damage to your unit.
Keep all nuts and bolts securely tightened.


— The following steps should be taken to pre­

pare your tiller for storage:

1. Clean tiller thoroughly and lubricate as described in the

preceding instructions.

2. Coat tilling tines with grease to prevent rusting.
3. Prepare engine for storage in accordance with engine

manufacturer’s owner’s guide.

4. Block tiller legs to raise tires clear of floor. Be sure tiller

is level.

5. Store in a dry clean area.


EXTENSION T I N E S - This attachment is available to in­

crease your tilling width up to 40”. Extension tines are
easily installed and removed. Order under part number


- This attachment is easily installed on

the depth bar of your tiller. It can be used for either fur­
rowing or hilling operations. These attachments are avail­
able through your local dealer.

For wide (2” x .43”) depth bar, order furrow opener

FORM NO. 770-1881 F