Comfort level, Automatic programming, Operating your air conditioner (cont) – Carrier 51FP User Manual
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whor speed the air conditioner is colling for ot the
time If room is hot, fan adjusts to HI (3). If room tem
perature is moderate, fan shifts to MED (2) If room is
cool, fan shifts to LO (1 ). VAR also provides o lower
sound level when cooling requirements ore reduced
To Set Fan Speed
Operating Your Air
Conditioner (cont)
Time dis-
oppeors in window disploy.
Initially, number 4 will appear
In window display. Marker
lights appear above each fon speed (LO, MED, HI),
until you select the specific speed you wont. If you do
not select o specific fan speed within
10 seconds, time
of doywill return to windowdisploy and you will hove
to start ogoin, and fon speed will remain os it was
before you touched
EXAMPLE. For medium fan speed, touch
10 seconds, touch
. Number 2
oppeors in window display for
10 seconds with
marker light blinking over MED position. Touch
r before the 10 seconds expire Number 2
disoppeors after
10 seconds, time of day returns and
marker light remoins lit ot MED position. Eon speed
2 is now set.
NOTE: If you progrom VAR (4). follow instructions os
in obove exomple Touch í
touch , ".......... Morker lights appear over oil 3 fon
speed positions (LO, MED, HI). Number 4 oppeors in
window display and disoppeors in
10 seconds with
time of day returning. As unit operotes, marker light
shifts between oil 3 fon speed positions to indicóte
wtiich speed is being colled for by unit
To select your comfort level:
1. T o u c h I n i t i a l l y ,
the number 5 will appear
in the window display (this
merely indicotes on over
age comfort level os you prepare to select o speci
fic comfort level). A blinking marker light appears
above COMFORT LEVEL in the window display.
You hove 10 seconds to select the comfort level
you wont. If you miss the 10 seconds, time of doy
will return to the window display and you will hove
to touch
2. Within the 10-second period, touch o comfort
level number, 0 - 9, for the comfort level you wont.
0 for least cooling, 9 for most cooling
EXAMPLE. If you wont com
fort level 7, touch
Number 7 oppeors in the
window display, marker
light continues blinking over COMFORT LEVEL
in window display.
3. Touch
to set your comfort level The
number 7 disappears in 10 seconds, and time of
day returns to window display. Marker light, above
COMFORT LEVEL in window display, stops blinking
and remains lit to show o comfort level is set.
NOTE: If you inadvertently touch more than one
number, only the lost number touched is re
corded Remember, o beep sounds after every
recorded touch. If o beep does not sound, you
must touch again
If you wont to change the comfort level, touch
, touch the new comfort level desired.
oil within
10 seconds of each
touch. If you do not select o new number after
is touched, unit outomoticolly returns to
its previous setting.
If you wont to check which comfort level is pro
grammed, just touch
The comfort level
number appears in the window display for
seconds. Number then disappears and time of
day returns to window display Comfort level, fan
speed, etc., con be checked at any time using the
obove instructions
You con operate your Carrier Electronic
Control Room Air Conditioner either mon-
uolly (os previously described), or AUTO-
AAATICALLY.When operating outomoticolly,
the unit con be progrommed to turn off
and on ot Q different cooling level for o
particular period of the day. For automatic operation,
you use the set of four Progrom Control pods.
NOTE: Your Carrier Electronic Control unit has been
designed to accommodate a maximum of two pro
grommed comfort settings within o 24-hour period
Check the examples below
Example 1: Temperature Up — Leave for work.
Temperature Down — Before return. Unit switches to
warmer comfort level when you leave for work, then
switches bock outomatically to o cooler level before
you return from work.
Example 2; Unit Off — Leave for work. Unit On — Be
fore return. Unit shuts off completely when you leave