Setting network protocol parameters – Canon AXIS 1650 User Manual
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Print Server Management and Configuration
AXIS 1650 User’s Manual
using the SLP protocol.
Default = Accept
SLP Restriction IP Address
Users specified here are rejected or accepted.IP addresses or ranges of IP
addresses can be specified as follows:
Example IP addresses:,
Example IP address range:
Default =
Setting Network Protocol Parameters
To change the print server’s network settings, select Admin | Network
Settings | Detailed View in the Web interface.
Frame Type
AXIS 1650 uses frame type Ethernet II for network packages.
LPD Banner Page Mode
Check the appropriate box to specify if the LPD banner page is to be
Off disables the LPD banner page.
Auto prints the LPD banner page first or last depending on your operating
Last forces the printer to print the LPD banner page last, independently of
operating system.
Default value = Off
Note: LPD Banner Page Mode is not available for Canon printers
supporting Canon Advanced Printing Technology or Canon Advanced
Raster Printing System.
IP Address
Specify the IP address of your print server in the format w.x.y.z. You
should acquire a unique and unused IP address from your Network
Administrator in order to prevent conflicts with other network devices.
Default value =
Note: If DHCP, BOOTP or RARP is enabled, your manual settings might be
overridden when you restart the print server. To make sure that this will
not happen, you are advised to disable BOOTP and RARP when you are
setting the IP address manually, DHCP is disabled by default.
Important: If you change the IP address you will lose contact with the
print server. You must enter the new IP address of the print server in the
address/location field of your Web browser to continue to configure and
manage the print server via the Web browser.
Subnet Mask
Specify the subnet mask used for determining when the traffic should be
sent via a router. This number, in combination with the IP address,
identifies on which network the print server is located. The normal class C
subnet mask value is usually
Default value:, indicates that all network segments are accessible.
Default Router
Specify the IP address of the default router. All traffic directed outside the
local network, defined by the subnet mask, is sent to the default router.
Any re-routing via other routers is done automatically. The setting
indicates that no default router is set. If that is the case, the print server