Section 7 adding printers in netware, Setup using netware 6.5, Section 7 – Canon AXIS 1650 User Manual

Page 28: Adding printers in netware

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Adding Printers in NetWare


AXIS 1650 User’s Manual

Section 7

Adding Printers in NetWare

This section describes how to continue the installation of the AXIS 1650

in a NetWare environment.


Using iPrint in the NetWare environment, users simply point to a Web

page that displays all printers available for installation. By clicking a

printer, the iPrint client is installed (if not installed previously), the

printer's driver is downloaded, and a printer is created on the user's

workstation; thus, the user will be able to send documents to the printer

from any application on the desktop.

Depending on your NetWare version, go on to “Setup using NetWare 6.5”

on page 28 or “Setup using NetWare 6.0” on page 34.

If you intend to operate your AXIS 1650 in a multi-protocol, mixed

environment, you should also proceed to the other relevant sections in

this manual.

Setup using NetWare 6.5

Start the iManager. Type https://

volume>/nps/iManager.html in the Address/Location field of your

browser and press Enter.


In the Roles and Tasks frame of the iManager, expand iPrint to make all

commands available.

Check Print Manager

and Broker

Make sure that NDPS is installed and that the Print Manager and the

Broker both are loaded on your NetWare file server.

You can check the status of NDPS by selecting Roles and Tasks | iPrint |

Manage Print Manager, browse to the file server and select it. Ensure that

the status is NDPS Manager active.