VICI Dynacalibrator 345 User Manual

Page 13

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A power-limiting thermostat provides a safety shutoff at this user-defined
setpoint, usually 5-10 degrees above the normal run temperature of the per-
meation device in use. . If the oven runs out of control, or if a temperature
setpoint is requested that is above the temperature limit, power to the oven
heater is shut down and a “PFAIL” warning will indicate the need to check the
temperature setpoint and cycle the power to reset the device.

The following functions, typically related to Dynacalibrator front panel analog
components, are integrated into the touch screen display of the Model 235.


Carrier flow, which is the constant flow through the permeation chamber, is
established at the factory and normally not editable. A fixed rate of 100 sccm
is the normal flow rate for the carrier stream. The setting for this flow and the
actual value of this flow can be seen in the MANUAL tab on the front panel
display controller. Actual carrier flow is recorded into the database at one
minute intervals, for a maximum period of one week.


The chamber temperature setpoint and the actual values can be read and
changed from the MANUAL tab of the front panel display controller. The cham-
ber temperature can be set manually through the controls on the screen. Af-
ter a temperature set point is entered by this method, it is written to memory
so that in the event of a power failure the unit will return to the condition pre-
viously established. Actual oven temperatures are recorded into the database
at one minute intervals, for a maximum period of one week.


The Dilution flow is set from the MANUAL tab on the front panel display con-
troller. The response to a new setpoint should be established within approxi-
mately five seconds. Total flow (dilution + carrier) is recorded into the data-
base at one minute intervals, for a maximum period of one week.

Getting Started