Initial checkout – TruTrak DFC Install Manual User Manual
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TruTrak Flight Systems
DFC Autopilot Installation Manual
May 2006 Printing
Initial Checkout
Once wiring is completed the autopilot should be tested in the aircraft while on the ground. The first step is to enter the setup
modes on the autopilot and set all parameters to their correct values. Apply power to the autopilot programmer. Its initial
screen should be displayed, along with the words PWR UP in the lower-right of the display. After approximately ten seconds,
the autopilot is ready to be set up for operation, indicating AP OFF on the display.
Press and hold MODE on the autopilot for about three seconds until the first setup screen, showing LAT ACTIVITY and LAT
TORQUE is displayed. Rotate the encoder knob as necessary to set the lateral activity value to a value of 1 or 2. Press and
release the knob to enter that value and advance to the lateral torque field. Insure that the value displayed is somewhere close to
the maximum value of 250. Once that is done, press ENTER to enter that value and advance to the next screen.
Rotating the encoder knob, select a value for BAUD RATE which is compatible with the panel-mount GPS receiver connected
to pin 25. The value of 9600 is the most commonly used rate. Once baud rate selection is done, press and release the encoder
knob to enter that value and advance to the next screen.
Rotating the encoder knob, select a value for AUDIO VOLUME (0 to 16) which results in a comfortable listening level. This
adjustment varies the audio level of the alerter signal output on pin 13 of the programmer and wired into an audio panel.
Having selected a comfortable level, press and release the encoder knob to enter that value and advance to the next screen.
Rotating the encoder knob, select Y (yes) or N (no) to the EXT DG/HSI? question. If no external device is connected to pin 9
on the connecter, answer N. The EXT DG flight mode will be present or absent when operating the autopilot based on the
answer to this question. Having made this choice, press and release the encoder knob to enter that value and advance to the
next screen.
Rotating the encoder knob, select Y (yes) or N (no) to the NAV RCVR? question. If no CDI inputs are connected to pins 21
and 22 on the connector, answer N. The NAV and LOC flight modes will be present or absent when operating the autopilot
based on the answer to this question. Also insure that pin 29 is wired to an appropriate signal. Having made this selection, press
and release the encoder knob to enter that value and advance to the next screen.
If “Y” (yes) was selected on the NAV RCVR? question the autopilot will then ask whether a glideslope receiver is connected.
If no Glideslope deviation inputs are connected to pins 23 and 24 on the connector, answer N. If the question is answered “N”
the autopilot will not attempt to couple to a glideslope during localizer approaches. Having made this choice, press and release
the encoder knob to enter that value and advance to the next screen.
Rotating the encoder knob, select Y (yes) or N (no) to the YAW DAMPER? question. If no YD-300 module is connected to
pins 5,6 and 8 on the connector, answer N. If the programmer is part of the DFC-300 system which includes the yaw damper
module, answer Y. Having made this choice, press and release the encoder knob to enter that value and advance to the next
To the MAG CALIBRATE? Question, answer N (no) at this time. This operation can be done at a later time. Press and release
the encoder knob to advance to the next screen.
If “Y” (yes) was selected on the YAW DAMPER? question the autopilot will display a setup screen for yaw damper centering
and activity settings. At this time, select 0 for YD TILT and 0 for YD ACTIVITY, pressing the knob after setting each value.
Once all the initial lateral setup of the autopilot is complete, the pitch axis initial setup should be done.
Press and hold ALT on the autopilot for about three seconds until the first pitch setup screen is displayed. Rotate the encoder
knob as necessary to set the vertical activity value to a value of 1 or 2. Press and release the knob to enter that value and
advance to the vertical torque field. Insure that the value displayed is somewhere close to the maximum value of 250. Once
that is done, press and release the encoder knob to enter that value and advance to the next screen.
The next screen allows a minimum airspeed to be set, as well as (DFC-250 only) a default value of climb airspeed for use by
the altitude selector. Using the encoder knob, set the minimum airspeed to the slowest airspeed the autopilot should ever fly the
aircraft. This should be safely above stall airspeed for the aircraft. This is also the speed (DFC-300 system only) at which the
yaw damper will automatically disengage prior to landing. If the system being set up includes a yaw damper, it is necessary to
set minimum airspeed to 0 at this time, to allow the yaw damper to be tested properly before the first flight. After selecting the
appropriate value(s) press and release the encoder knob to advance to the next screen.
The STATIC LAG field is used to accommodate aircraft with delay in the static line. Start with a value of 0 until the first flight
test of the autopilot. Select 0, then press and release the encoder knob to complete the setup mode.