Trio Avionics EZ Pilot - v 2.3 User Manual
Page 7

2. Course mode (CRS)
– provides vector navigation as illustrated below. CRS also
allows tracking an autopilot-selected course when the host GPS route function is not in
use. CRS mode uses the GPS signal to provide the aircraft groundtrack. This mode can
be useful for avoiding restricted airspace, weather and oncoming air traffic.
3. Intercept mode (INT
used to intercept a predefined GPS desired track (DTK) as
illustrated below. The INT mode also uses the GPS signal to provide the aircraft
groundtrack. This mode is useful to regain the original flight plan track after
circumnavigating the previously mentioned flight obstacles.
In both the CRS and INT modes the ground track to be followed may be selected by the pilot,
using either the L/R switch or the PCS steering mode of operation
The EZ Pilot will automatically switch from the INT mode to the TRK mode as it nears the
intercept boundary.
Original GPS course line
Intercept Boundary
Variable distance depending on speed
Autopilot flies INT mode to intercept GPS course
As the aircraft nears the GPS course line
the autopilot automatically switches to TRK
GPS course line
Autopilot flies INT
Pilot commands CRS mode
Pilot commands INT mode “intercept”
Autopilot intercepts original course