Notice and warnings – Trio Avionics EZ Pilot - v 2.3 User Manual

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Notice and Warnings

Warning: Any failure to comply with the following warnings can lead

to property damage and serious injury, including death.

Although Trio Avionics has taken reasonable steps to test its product, the final determination of safe operation lies
with you, the installer and pilot. Your workmanship in installing, cabling, and testing the autopilot in your airplane is
critical to safety. If you are not the original builder of your aircraft, and do not hold a valid “Repairman’s Certificate”
for your aircraft, you must have the installation done by a qualified A&P aircraft mechanic or the original builder. You
must comply with all current FAA regulations regarding installation of this device in your airplane.

This product is to be used on homebuilt, experimental aircraft only. It is not approved for, nor is it legal to install it in,
certified aircraft. It is not approved by any governmental or non-governmental agency.

Prior to installing or flying this autopilot, read the manual completely. If you have any questions about the installation
or operation of the system, STOP and then call or email Trio Avionics for clarification.

The servo
that is a part of this autopilot system is attached directly to your aileron control system. It is possible to
install or adjust it in a manner that may result in improper or unexpected aileron movement that could result in
dangerous aircraft maneuvers. Install it only after you have read and understand the installation instructions. You
must thoroughly inspect and test your installation prior to flight. Mistakes in any modification to your aircraft can be
life threatening!

Each homebuilt aircraft is individual in its construction, maintenance and flying characteristics. Therefore, while
Trio Avionics has tested the product in a variety of aircraft, we do not represent or warrant that it is appropriate or
suitable for use in your particular aircraft. Only you can make that determination and ultimately only you are
responsible for its safe installation and use.

This product is designed for use as an en route navigation aid only, and only at safe altitudes in unobstructed
airspace. It must not be relied upon for any other purpose. It is not to be used for flight in instrument meteorological
conditions (IFR), or approaches into airports in either IFR or visual (VFR) conditions. Power to the servo must be
turned “off” for takeoffs and landings.

In operation, this product relies upon data provided by a GPS receiver. Always keep in mind that GPS signals are
not totally reliable. They may be disrupted by electromagnetic interference, improper placement of antennas, satellite
unavailability and other problems. You must provide data signals from a reliable and properly installed GPS receiver.
The GPS antenna must have a clear “view” of the sky to assure uninterrupted, safe operation. External antennas are
strongly recommended.

When flying an aircraft with this, or any, autopilot enabled, you must be constantly vigilant for any sign of improper
operation of the autopilot. When there is even a suspicion that the autopilot or the GPS receiver is not operating
properly, you must immediately disable the autopilot by any of the various methods detailed in this manual. Do not fly
the autopilot without incorporating the remote servo disconnect switch that is described in this manual.

There may be a tendency to concentrate on the instrument display when test flying this or any other new system in
your aircraft. Do not allow it to distract you from the need to “see and avoid” other aircraft.

The safe practice of aviation demands the consistent exercise of pilot skill, knowledge of airmanship and
weather, judgment and focused attention at a level which is appropriate to the demands of each individual
situation. Pilots who do not possess or exercise the required knowledge, skills and judgment are
frequently injured or killed. Therefore, although an autopilot can serve as a useful navigation aid, no
autopilot can be relied upon and you must be at full attention at all times while flying any aircraft.

If you do not agree to comply with any of the warnings or notices above, do not install or
fly this autopilot system in your aircraft. Call Trio Avionics for a Return Material
Authorization (RMA) and return the unused system for a full refund.