Trio Avionics EZ Pilot - v 2.3 User Manual
Page 34

SERVO POS = 07500
7.6.2 Servo Rotation Testing
Note: The servo rotation direction is critical to flight safety and proper autopilot
operation. If this is not set correctly the autopilot will not track correctly and will
cause the airplane to roll to bank angles in excess of 30 degrees either right or left
when the servo is engaged. This setting cannot be changed in flight so it is critical
that this be set correctly during ground setup and testing.
The numbers that appear in the
readout represent the servo position.
Higher numbers position the ailerons
for a right turn and lower numbers
position the ailerons for a left turn.
Push and hold the L-R switch to the right position to increment the number to the
9000 setting (the right limit). Ensure the ailerons are positioned for a right turn,
left aileron down, right aileron up. If they are not positioned for a right turn
proceed directly to Paragraph 7.6.3 If this is okay, run the SERVO POSITION
to the extreme left (6000) position and verify proper control system movement.
This is a good time to observe that the pushrod does not rotate when the servo is
slewed to the two extreme positions. Once this is verified proceed to Paragraph
7.6.3 Servo Direction Reversal
To reverse servo rotation, press the MODE switch one time until the arrow cursor
points at the NORM to the right of the SERVO readout. Move the L-R switch
either direction to change the NORM in line 2 to read REV; then, press the mode
switch several times to scroll through the remaining setup screens and return to
the NO GPS display. The servo rotation is now in the “reversed” state.
Turn the autopilot off and return to paragraph 7.6.1 of this procedure and
retest the servo rotation direction.
7.6.4 Servo Neutral Setting
Use the L-R switch to move the ailerons until they are in the proper neutral
position. This is the approximate position of your ailerons that you observed in
trimmed, level cruise flight.
Exit the display by pressing the MODE switch several times until the display
cycles back to the NO GPS display. This will store the adjustments you made
into the non-volatile memory.
7.7 In Flight Adjustment of Servo Neutral
The final check of Servo Neutral is conducted in flight. Be sure that the airplane is in
straight and level flight, the GPS is providing tracking data to the autopilot, and the
airplane is properly trimmed (using the aircraft roll trim) so that there is no tendency to roll
off to the right or left. Turn the autopilot off, then back on while pressing and holding the
DISPLAY button. Release the DISPLAY button and then press the SERVO button to
engage the servo.