TriangleTube TTP Series User Manual
Page 9

Maintenance and Cleaning
To prevent damage to the heat exchanger and refrig-
erant components, do not chemically clean the
refrigerant circuit of the heat exchanger.
In some applications the heat exchanger may be
subject to severe conditions, including high temper-
ature and/or hard water conditions, causing acceler-
ated scaling and corrosion rates, which will alter the
performance of the heat exchanger. In applications
where these factors are present it is important to
establish a regular maintenance and cleaning
gEnEral guIdElInES for ClEanIng
A 5% solution of Phosphoric Acid or Oxalic Acid is
recommended as a cleaning solution. Other types
of cleaning solutions such as ice making machine
de-scaler are available and may be used, check the
manufacturer’s instructions for compatability.
• Do not heat the acid solution when back flushing
through the heat exchanger.
Flush the heat exchanger with fresh water when the
cleaning process is completed. A final rinse using a
solution of 1 to 2% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or
sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) ensures all acid is
For optimum cleaning the cleaning solution flow rate
should be a minimum 1.5 times the normal opera-
tional flow rate and preferably in a back flush mode.