Operation (continued), Maintenance – Campbell Hausfeld IN469800AV User Manual
Page 14
Operating Instructions and Parts Manual
Operation (Continued)
6. Disconnect the high pressure hose from the gun and drain the hose. Hold the gun
and lance in a vertical position and squeeze the trigger to drain the water out.
tIPs For extendIng the lIFe oF your Pressure WAsher
1. Never operate the unit without water.
2. Your pressure washer is not meant to pump hot water. Never connect your pressure
washer to a hot water supply as it will significantly reduce the life of the pump.
3. Running the unit for more than one minute without spraying water causes heat to
build up in the pump. Running the unit without spraying water can damage pump
Observe regular maintenance intervals to ensure maximum performance and life
from the pressure washer. Refer to the schedule for recommended maintenance. If you
operate the pressure washer in dusty conditions, perform maintenance checks more
MAIntenAnCe sChedule
Maintenance Schedule
Action needed
Check water inlet screen and filter.
teChnICAl And ConsuMer InForMAtIon
Horizontal Oriented Pressure Washers
Pump Oil Capacity
4.5 fl. oz. AR64545 oil
2DX and 3DNX
8.5 fl. oz. CAT pump oil
Pump Detergent Suction
Water to detergent ratio
10 to 1 (10% detergent)
Water Supply Requirements
Minimum inlet pressure
20 psi
Maximum inlet pressure
100 psi
Maximum inlet temperature
100˚ F
Minimum inlet flow rate
5 gpm
Inlet garden hose size
5/8 in. I.D.
Maximum inlet garden hose length
50 ft