TL Audio VTC User Manual
Page 28

The Mute button cuts the Stereo Return signal path but is not automatically muted when the SIP
function is in operation. This allows the engineer to listen to Channel and Mix B sound sources and
their effects by simply selecting a solo button on the input channel.
Note that none of the Stereo Returns will be automatically muted while in SIP mode, but if the
engineer wishes to monitor a source sound on the input channel with a single effect, a combination of
SIP and AFL is possible. For example, a vocal may be solo’d on one input channel and its reverb
signal AFL’d on the relevant Stereo Return.
The post fade signal from the effects returns may be sent to either or both Phones 1 and Phones 2
outputs. Once selected there is an individual gain control on each Stereo Effects return to govern the
amount of signal level fed to the Phones section.
The VTC offers a very versatile headphone mix section where stereo foldback can be sourced from
any or all of these signals: Control Room, Mix B, Aux 3/4, Aux 7/8 and External. The solo button
functions as a PFL, and it is assumed that Aux 3/4 and Aux 7/8 will be used for headphone cue mixes
as they are the main pre fade sends. In this case Aux 3 and 7 will appear on the left of stereo and Aux
4 and 8 on the right. The headphone mix can be checked in the control room by using the Solo (PFL)
on the Phones section.
The External input allows reference monitoring for performers from any external source such as a
click track, CD or cassette. Other 2-Track sources can be routed to the Phones section by using the
Control Room master section to select 2TA or 2TB, and then activating the ‘C/Room’ switch on
Phones 1 and/or Phones 2.
The External input, unlike the 2-Track inputs, is normalised for stereo or mono operation should a
mono source signal be required (simply plug into the left hand input). It could also be used as an
additional headphone mix from sources such as Auxes 1/2 or 5/6 (should the need arise) by patching
these sends to the External source input.
The On switch activates the Oscillator, and a second switch allows you to choose between a 1kHz
and 10kHz line-up tone. Signal level from the oscillator is governed by a Level control and the tone
is routed to all the groups and the main stereo outputs, pre fader. The tone can then be fed to any or
all of channel tape outputs by activating the Buss buttons on the required channels.
4.5 MIX
Mix B has its own dedicated outputs from the console, via balanced stereo 1/4 inch jack connections
on the rear master section connector panel. There are no insert points for Mix B.
Both Mix B ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ signals pass through dedicated valve stages in the Mix B mix
amplifier before being routed to the Mix B master level control.