TL Audio VTC User Manual

Page 12

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2.14 Master Insertion Points.

The master insertion points are interfaced via a 3 pin, 0.25” switched jack socket on the rear of the
unit. The pin connections are:

- Sleeve = Ground,

- Tip = Send,

- Ring = Return.

The insertion point is unbalanced. If used as an additional send only (e.g. as a send to a tape machine
or monitor mixing desk), the Tip and Ring should be wired together, to preserve the signal path
through the insertion point.

The master insertion point is active on both the balanced and unbalanced stereo outputs.

2.15 Mix B Output.

The Mix B outputs are via balanced, 3 pin jack connectors. The mating connectors should be wired
as follows:

Balanced outputs:

- Tip = Signal Phase (“+” or “hot”),

- Ring = Signal Non-Phase (“-” or “cold”),

- Screen = Ground.

If unbalanced signals are used, the screen and ring should both be connected to ground.

2.16 Control Room , Studio and Alternate L/S Outputs.

All three of these monitor outputs are via balanced, 3 pin jack connectors. The mating connectors
should be wired as follows:

- Sleeve = Ground (screen),

- Tip = Signal Phase (“+” or “hot”),

- Ring = Signal Non-Phase (“-” or “cold”).

If an unbalanced output is required, the screen and ring should both be connected to ground.

2.17 Stereo 2T Returns (2TA and 2TB).