Voiceworks plus v1.2 – TC-Helicon VoiceWorks Plus 1.2 Addendum User Manual

Page 4

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sequencer are used to select pitch shift interval
(NotesOn) or are ignored (NotesOff).
Most of the Model presets in version 1.2 have this
parameter adjusted to NotesOff. If the previous
behaviour is desired, you can turn the value to
NotesOn, store the preset in the User bank and
proceed as before.

• Delete individual User bank presets

This update allows you to arrange presets more easily in
the User bank. In the Setup menu F1, turning the Edit 1
control will present the new parameter values “Erase
User #1, Erase User #2”, etc in addition to the Restore
Setup and Erase User Bank values.
Before erasing any presets, it is a good idea to dump
them to the VoiceWorksPlus editor or to a MIDI
system exclusive librarian program as a backup.