Voiceworks plus v1.2 – TC-Helicon VoiceWorks Plus 1.2 Addendum User Manual

Page 3

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that triggers your desired harmony, press the sustain
pedal and play an arpeggiated run to augment your
keyboard part. As you continue singing, the harmonies
remain on the notes you played.
The parameters NotesExt and Latch should be set to
Off to use this feature in Notes mode presets. Most
Notes presets already have these parameter values.
In Chord mode presets, the Latch parameter is
typically set to On so that lifting your fingers off the
keys does not cause the harmony voices to stop
sounding. The difference now is that you can use the
sustain pedal to freeze the most recently fingered
chord while you continue with arpeggiated playing. In
the previous software version, performing and singing
while using the sustain pedal would sometimes cause
odd harmony notes as the chords would change with
every note played in an arpeggiated run.

Key and scale entry via footswitch and key-
board chord

It is now possible to assign one of the footswitches on
the optional Switch-3 accessory to KeyS, an
abbreviation for Key Set.This is a convenience to allow
changing of Scale harmonies without reaching around
to push buttons on the VoiceWorksPlus front panel or
using MIDI CCs.
To change key and scale, assign one of the Footswitch
1-2-3 parameters in the Setup menu (U4) to KeyS.
Play a chord that follows the convention in the
following illustration then press the footswitch you
have assigned to Key and Scale setting.

The above shows that a three note chord formed by:

key root - major/minor third - fifth

will select a Major 1 or Minor 1. Chord inversions are
not recognized. By adding a note one octave up from

C Maj/Min 1

C Maj/Min 2

C Maj/Min 3

the key root, you can select Major or Minor “2”. If you
want to select Major or Minor “3”, replace the note
one octave up from the key root with a note two
octaves above. To select the Custom scale saved with
the preset, play a major or minor chord as shown and
then add any note but the octaves described above.
The display for the current preset will change to the
new setting when you press the footswitch.

• Selectable Factory or User preset bank pro-

gram change target

It’s not always convenient to use MIDI Bank Select
messages to switch banks, so we added this parameter
to simplify this procedure. In the Setup menu, there is
a new screen called Program Bank (M5) where you can
select how you want to initiate your program changes.
The values for this parameter are:

External - Presets in the Factory bank are
called up with a Bank Select 0 (MSB) message
which is the default for most keyboards.
Presets in the User bank can be called up by
sending a Bank Select 1 (MSB) message.

Factory - All Program Change messages,
regardless of Bank selection call up Factory

User - All Program Change messages, regard-
less of Bank selection call up User presets.

When you want to select from a combination of
Factory and User presets without using Bank Select
messages, simply copy any Factory presets you like into
the User bank and select User for the Program Bank

• MIDI note input disable in Model presets

In the previous version of VoiceWorksPlus, a MIDI
keyboard that was used to control Notes or Chord
mode harmony presets would also affect pitch shift in
Model presets. In some cases, this is the desired
behaviour but in others the Model is desired simply to
provide an interesting vocal transformation, a fixed
octave shift or both and the moving pitches
transmitted by the MIDI keyboard during performance
were unwelcome.
For this reason an additional Model preset parameter
called simply,“MIDI” in menu S3 allows you to choose
whether MIDI notes coming in from a keyboard or