Page 6

After installing the software, Coach logs into Suunto Team Manager by creating his own
coach profile. From the Team dropdown list in the menu bar, he selects Create Team and
adds the name of his team. The newly created team then appears in the My Training win-
dow. He right clicks the newly created team and chooses Create Athlete. A new window
opens and Coach fills in the team captain’s details, such as name, date of birth, height,
weight, and an activity level figure (descriptions of which can be found in the window). This
information is needed to calculate the athlete’s maximum heart rate, performance capacity,
and other values required for analysis. When the captain’s details are complete, Coach
clicks the Create Athlete button and repeats the process for the other members of the team.
When the team is complete, Coach highlights each team member’s name in turn and clicks
the Personal button in the Athletes window to further customize their profile. Coach fine
tunes his athletes’ data by adding the real max HR that they recorded during a recent per-
formance test.
Having finished creating his team and all the athletes’ profiles, Coach closes Suunto Team
Manager and turns his attention to Suunto Team Pod itself. He assembles the device (as
described in Section 3) and connects it to his laptop. He then needs to test the system, by
placing a heart rate transmitter belt on himself and watching the monitor for his own heart
rate. Satisfied that everything is working correctly, Coach turns off his laptop and then
unplugs Suunto Team Pod.
He then takes out his team’s heart rate transmitter belts and sticks a team member’s name
to each one. On a piece of paper, he writes the last five digits of the first number on the
back of the belt next to the name of the athlete who will receive it.
Coach is at the training field bright and early. He positions Suunto Team Pod correctly, so
that it covers the whole field (see Section 5) and connects Suunto Team Pod to his laptop.
He then opens Suunto Monitor. When the team arrives, he hands out their heart rate trans-
mitter belts and tells them how to put them on properly (see section 6).
The Belts window of Suunto Monitor shows the ID numbers of all the heart rate transmitter
belts that Suunto Team Pod is receiving a signal from. Coach takes out his piece of paper
and starts to check the box next to each belt in turn. When he checks the box, a popup
appears and in the drop down menu all the members of the team that he created in Suunto