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Altitude dive A dive made at an elevation above 700 m [2300 ft] above sea-level.

Ascent speed (rate) The speed at which the diver ascends toward the surface.

ASC SPEED Abbreviation for ascent speed (ascent rate).

Ascent time The minimum amount of time needed to reach the surface in a
decompression dive.

ASC TIME Abbreviation for ascent time.

Ceiling On a decompression dive the shallowest depth to which a diver may
ascend based on computer nitrogen load.

Compartment See "Tissue group".

DCS Abbreviation for decompression sickness.

Decompression Time spent at a decompression stop or range before surfacing, to
allow absorbed nitrogen to escape naturally from tissues.

Decompression range On a decompression dive the depth range, between the
floor and ceiling, within which a diver must stop for some time during ascent.

Decompression sickness Any of a variety of maladies resulting either primarily or
secondary from the formation of nitrogen bubbles in tissues or body fluids, as a
result of inadequately controlled decompression. Commonly called "bends" or

Dive series A group of repetitive dives between which the SOLUTION

á indicates

some nitrogen loading is present. When nitrogen loading reaches zero the

á deactivates.

Dive time Elapsed time between leaving the surface to descend, and returning to
the surface at the end of a dive.

Floor The deepest depth during a decompression dive at which decompression
takes place.

Half-time After a change in ambient pressure, the amount of time required for the
partial pressure of nitrogen in a theoretical compartment to go half-way from its
previous value to saturation at the new ambient pressure.

Multi-level dive A single or repetitive dive that includes time spent at various