2 target status monitor, 2 target status monitor -5 – Solvline LemonIDE Ver 1.0e User Manual
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User’s Guide
As you drop the project to the node, a debugger select window will appear. By default, it is set to “gdb”. Select a
correct debugger according to your target type. When a debugger is selected, default “Absolute Shared Library
Path” information is set.
When you need to change “Absolute Shared Library Path” to paths other than defaults, click Browse button.
“arm-linux-LemonIDEgdb” Æ “/opt/LemonIDE/cdt/arm-linux”
Click OK button from the Debugger Selection window when done with debugger configuration. Then you will see
a run configuration created for the face project, under hybus target node.
7.2 Target Status Monitor
Select “Show Monitor Perspectives” menu from the target node in the target browser. Then, LemonIDE Monitor
perspective will open, as shown below. No real data is shown yet, since remote monitoring has not been started.
Select “Activate Monitor Views” from eddy_1 Target node’s shortcut menu.
Remote monitoring will start as shown above and CPU/memory view will display graphs. Process list view will be
refreshed in every 10 seconds.
Select “Pause Monitoring” from eddy_1 Target node’s shortcut menu.. Confirm that monitoring is stopped. Select
“Activate Montior Views” again to resume monitoring.
Now we will terminate a process from the process list view. Run any program from the target, such as “tae –p
10000”. Then you will see “tae –p 10000” from the process list view. From the popup menu of this process, select