3 executing run method (with result to telnet), 3 executing run method (with result to telnet) -11 – Solvline LemonIDE Ver 1.0e User Manual

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User’s Guide

None Parity, 8 Data Bits with 1 Stop Bit . On Windows environment, connect Eddy’s console port and serial port of

Windows run PC with a serial cross cable (Only 3 lines of Tx, Rx, GND is required). Executed HyperTerminal and

set communication environment to 115200 bps, None Parity, 8 Data Bits, 1 stop bit.

In order to use LemonIDE’s serial communication emulator, please refer to “7.3 Terminal”.

If all settings are finished, click Run Method to upload the binary file to the target system, Eddy and check its

execution result.

Click on the icon left to execute last executed Run Method.

Clicking on the arrow would allow you to select a Run Method of your listing.

The image below shows the result of executing hello.c (of 5.2 Creating & Editing Source Codes) from

5.5.3 Executing Run Method (with result to Telnet)

If Eddy DK board is not used, verifying result through serial port is not possible as serial console port is not existent.

In such cases, Telnet can be set to be used as a console port.

To use Telnet as a console port, procedure “5.5.1 Configuring Eddy’s Target Agent” must not be carried out.

To change the console port from serial port to Telnet, login to Eddy using a terminal program and execute Eddy

Target Agent, “tae”, manually as a background process as shown below. Execution results of uploads from

LemonIDE can now be checked through Telnet. Refer to “7.3 Terminal” for instructions on Telnet terminal


If all settings are finished, click Run Method to upload the binary file to the target system, Eddy and check its

execution result.

Click on the icon left to execute last executed Run Method.

Clicking on the arrow would allow you to select a Run Method of your listing.

The image below shows the result of executing hello.c (of 5.2 Creating & Editing Source Codes) from
