6 creating projects, 1 creating lemonide c/c++ project, 6 creating projects -5 – Solvline LemonIDE Ver 1.0e User Manual
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User’s Guide
4.6 Creating Projects
Create a project on a Workspace.
A project is a set of required resource needed in developing a program, and includes source code and build
information. LemonIDE manages program modules to be executed in the target as a project. Project build
environment is executed as a form of make command.
A makefile is required to run make commands. LemonIDE projects can either create makefile automatically or
manually. When a makefile is created automatically, users can easily modify build information through UI(User
Interface). When created manually, users need to modify the makefile itself in order to change any build information.
When an existing makefile-based project is imported to LemonIDE, it is recommended that makefile be created
manually. Converting existing makefile build information through UI might require more effort.
LemonIDE project can be classified into one of the following four categories depending whether makefile is created
and whether C or C++ program is used.
Standard Make C Project
Standard Make C ++ Project
Project based on C or C++ where existing makefile is used
LemonIDE Make C Project
LemonIDE Make C++ Project
Project based on C or C++ where makefile is automatically
Links to libraries are common in ordinary developing environment, and most Open Sources
provide makefile. Hence use of Standard type project is recommended. Provided DK Source
also includes makefile definitions. Explanation on this manual will be based on Standard
typed project.
4.6.1 Creating LemonIDE C/C++ Project
LemonIDE Make C/C++ Projects are useful when creating a new C/C++ program as makefile is automatically
generated, but as makefile is provided in DK Source use of Standard type project is recommended.
Select “File” Æ “New” Æ “Project”from LemonIDE’s menu. Select LemonIDE Application Æ
Standard Make C++ Project as shown below.