Material list for sc-3, Material list for sc-9 – Slant/Fin Gas Hot Water User Manual
Page 12

This control can be programmed as follows:
1. Outdoor reset: The supply water temperature is
automatically adjusted up or down based on outdoor
temperature. The control automatically controls the
number of modules required to maintain required supply
water temperature.
2. Setpoint temperature: The control can be programmed
to maintain a set supply water temperature. The control
automatically controls the number of modules activated to
maintain the setpoint temperature.
SC-9 Control
The SC-9 control allows up to 9 stages of operation for space
heating, domestic water or combination, in a Caravan system.
Generally each stage controls 1 module. However, it is possible to
have more than one module activated with each stage.
Standard programmable features include: system activation or
de-activation based on outdoor temperature; minimum target sup-
ply water temperature; adjustable design target supply water tem-
perature; adjustable delay between stages; adjustable
outdoor and indoor design temperatures; delay to allow
combustion air damper to open; ability to provide equal run time
rotation of boiler modules; fixed lead of a module when Caravan
system activates; first on/last off or first on/first off for modules;
control of primary circulator and periodic exercising of primary cir-
culator when system is inactive.
The view menu on the control includes error messages, actual
outdoor air temperature, actual supply water temperature,
target water temperature, running time for each stage and the dif-
ference between supply water and return water
The SC-9 can be programmed as follows:
1. Outdoor reset: The supply water temperature is
automatically increased as outdoor temperature
decreases and decreased as outdoor temperature
increases. The control activates only the number of stages
required to maintain the required supply water
2. Setpoint temperature: The control maintains a set supply
water temperature. The control activates only the number
of stages required to maintain the setpoint temperature.
Setpoint temperature may be used for a Caravan system
that is dedicated for use as volume water heating.
3. Domestic hot water: The domestic hot water controls
override the SC-9 control for only those modules used to
heat the domestic hot water. The modules for domestic
hot water are isolated from space heating system until
demand for domestic hot water is satisfied. The modules
not used for domestic hot water heating remain under
control of SC-9 control.
Slant/Fin offers domestic hot water control packages and
external tankless heaters as options for use with the SC-9
Other Options include:
• Immersion well for supply water sensor: to be installed in control header supplied with Caravan
• High Limit (manual reset) and Immersion Well: to be installed in control header supplied with Caravan
• Low Water Cut-Off (manual reset): to be installed in modular boiler headers above modules cast iron heat exchanger
• Domestic Hot Water Control Packages: components include EMV valve; setpoint aquastat L6006A with immersion well. This is to
be used with external heat exchanger such as Caravan BP series brazed plate heat exchangers.
Circulators, switches, wiring and other relays are provided by contractor.
Material List for SC-3
• SC-3 modular boiler control (part# 435-084)
• 1 Outdoor sensor (part # 339-070)
• 1 Universal sensor to be used as supply water sensor
(part # 339-071)
• 1 Plastic tie strap
Material List for SC-9
• 1 SC-9 modular boiler control (part # 435-085)
• 1 Outdoor sensor (part # 339-070)
• 2 Universal sensors (part # 339-071)
1 to be used as supply water sensor
1 can be used as return water sensor
• 2 Plastic tie straps