Assembly instructions (continued) – Chicago Electric 95424 User Manual
Page 14

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troubleshooting section at end of manual.
Page 14
SKU 95424, 95629
note: When installing wire of different size or composition, you will also need to change
wire settings, set gun polarity, and, possibly, install gas cylinder.
(see pages 18
to 20.)
Welding Wire
Figure A
IMpORtAnt: Securely hold onto the end of the Welding Wire and keep tension on it
during the following steps. If this is not done the Welding Wire will spring backward,
creating a tangled “bird’s nest” and resulting in wasted wire.
(see figure A.)
Hold the Welding Wire securely while you cut enough Wire off the end of the
Spool to remove all bent and crimped Wire. Make sure the cut end has no burrs
or sharp edges (cut again, if needed).
(see figure A.)
AssEMbLy InstRUCtIOns (COntInUED)
Insert the Spool onto the Spool′s Holder.
Making sure the Spool's Welding Wire
unwinds from the bottom (clockwise).
Screw the Fixing Cover into the Threaded Shaft (11A).
Attach a Spool with the help of latch.