PS Engineering PMA4000 Installation Manual User Manual
Page 14

PS Engineering
PMA4000 Series Audio Selector Panel and IntelliVox™ Intercom System
Installation Manual
200-041-0002 Page
Rev 5, March 2007
: (Middle Position): All parties will hear the aircraft radio, intercom, and music from
entertainment input. However, during any intercom communications, the music volume
automatically decreases when SoftMute is active . The music volume increases gradually
back to the original level after communications have been completed.
3.2.2 Speaker Amplifier
Pressing the volume control will activate the cockpit speaker. This switch will place all
selected audio on the cockpit speaker when selected. The speaker is automatically muted
when the radio push to talk (PTT) is active. To reduce power consumption and internal
heat buildup, switch off the speaker amplifier when not in use.
Mic Selector Switch
The up switch position C
1. Both pilot and copilot will be con-
nected to the Com l transceiver. While in the C
1 or C
mode, the intercom functions normally. Both the pilot and copilot
have transmit capabilities on the selected transceiver. All hear the
selected audio if the intercom is in the A
mode. Only the person
who presses their Push To Talk (PTT), will be heard over the air-
craft radio. Placing the toggle switch in the C
2 position will
place pilot and copilot on Com 2.
The PMA4000-Series has an automatic selector mode. Audio from
the selected transceiver is automatically heard in the headsets and
speaker (when selected). You can check this function by switching from C
1 to C
and watch the selected audio light on the selector change from C1 to C2. This ensures the
pilot will never transmit on a radio is not listening to.
When switching from C
1 to C
2 while Com 2 has NOT been selected, Com 1 au-
dio will be switched off. In essence, switching the mic selector will not effect the selec-
tion of Com receiver audio.
3.3.1 Volume Control
The pilot volume control knob adjusts the loudness of intercom and music in the pilot’s
headphones only. It has no effect on selected radio audio levels.
The copilot volume control adjusts the loudness of the intercom
and music in the copilot headset. The passenger volume is also
adjusted by the copilot volume control. Most general aviation
headsets have a built-in volume control, so volume can be
adjusted “locally.” The copilot volume control is also
controllable through the rear connector, so a tandem aircraft can
adjust the volume from a different location.
3.3.2 VOX-Squelch Control
The PMA4000 incorporates PS Engineering’s revolutionary IntelliVox™. No adjustment
of the squelch control is required. Through two individual signal processors, the ambient
Figure 3-2 Mic