PS Engineering PAR200A Pilot’s Guide User Manual
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July 2014 PAR200A Pilot Guide
phones are associated with the PAR200A at the same time, only the first
phone will transfer audio to the panel.
Telephone Operation
When the Bluetooth-enabled phone receives an incoming call, the PAR200A
will play a ring tone. Answer the call from your telephone handset On some
Bluetooth devices you will have to select PAR200A manually as an audio
source on the phone.
The PAR200A exits the telephone mode automatically when the cellular
phone hangs up.
In TELEPHONE mode, the PAR200A intercom is connected to the cell
phone, acting as another person on the airplane.
The pilot PTT will switch the pilot mic to the selected com transceiver, and
allow aircraft communications to continue normally.
The copilot will also be able to transmit on the selected radio with his PTT
as well.
Entering the TEL mode connects the telephone to the users as follows:
In ALL intercom mode, all crew and passengers will be heard on the
phone when they speak. Com and other selected radio audio is also heard
in the headsets. If the pilot or copilot pushes the radio PTT, their mic will
be transferred to the selected Com radio. The telephone party will not hear
ATC communications, and vice versa.
In CREW mode, only the pilot and copilot are connected to the telephone.
Passengers will not hear the telephone. The pilot and copilot will also have
transmit capability on the other selected transceiver.
In ISO intercom mode, when the PAR200A is connected to the Bluetooth
telephone, the pilot position is in the "Phone Booth." Only the pilot will
hear the telephone, and only he will be heard. He will also have access to
Com 1 or 2, and will transmit on that radio using the PTT. All selected
audio is provided to the pilot.
Because the cell-phone uses an intercom circuit, all stations on that cir-
cuit will lose intercom capability when the cell phone is in use. There
will not be any cell sidetone or telephone for passengers in split mode.
US Federal Communications Commission regulation 47 CFR 22.925 prohib-
its the use of 800MHz Cellular handsets in any aircraft that is airborne. Vio-
lation of this rule could result in suspension of service and/or a fine.
Music Distribution
Music input 1 from the rear connector, or Bluetooth music, is presented to
the pilot and copilot positions. Music 2 from the rear connector is ONLY