PS Engineering PAR200A Pilot’s Guide User Manual
Page 4

Page 4
Pilot Guide
COM Audio Selector (3)
Communication audio from the other radio, not selected for transmit, can be
heard by pressing the associated RCV button. You will always hear the au-
dio from the selected transceiver.
In SPLIT mode, only the pilot will hear selected navigation audio (N1 &
Navaid Audio selection (4)
VHF Navigation receiver audio is selected through two momentary, push-
button, backlit switches.
The users can identify which receivers are selected by noting which green
LEDs are lit above the button. Navigation aid audio push buttons are labeled
N1 and N2.
Any additional installed receiver audio (Marker,
ADF, etc) is interfaced through an unswitched input.
VHF Transceiver control (5)
The right side of the PAR200A is dedicated to con-
trol of the VHF communications transceiver. Fre-
quency selection is always directed to the
STANDBY side of the display.
Frequency Selection (6)
Turn the large (outer) knob to change the frequency whole MHz, and the
smaller, inner knob to change the .100 MHz frequency. It takes two clicks to
change the digit one increment.
Push and release the small knob to transfer standby frequency to the active
Radio Volume (7)
The larger outer knob on the left side controls the volume
of the remote TY91L radio.
Radio Squelch
To defeat the radio squelch, push and hold the frequency
knob , until the top of the display changes to ASQ, and release. The dis-
play will then switch to ASQ OFF, which defeats the squelch to hear any
weak signals. The next time the small right knob is pushed, the ASQ ON
Click and