Warnings – phil&teds sport v1 User Manual
Page 23

Keep with your buggy for future reference.
There’s a pocket at the front of the parcel
tray just for this. Injury may result if you do
not follow all safety precautions. Injury may
result from improper use.
Never leave children
unattended, it may be dangerous. �ake extra
care with any child asleep in the buggy.
Ensure that all locking
devices are engaged before use.
Any load attached to the
handle affects the stability of the vehicle.
Do not hang luggage or carry e��tra children
on the buggy. Do not allow a child to stand
on the seat. Do not carry e��tra weight over
that allowed by the instructions, this may
make the buggy unstable. Do not place
more than 3kg/7lbs in the parcel tray.
Always use the safety
harness to avoid serious injury from
falling or sliding out. Always secure all
safety harness straps. Ensure the safety
harness is correctly fitted, ad�usted and
securing child firmly. Make sure children
are clear before folding, erecting or
adjusting the buggy.
Never use baby & toddler
buggy without double seat retaining
strap engaged.
Apply brakes when you park
the buggy. Apply brakes when loading or
unloading children.
Buggy in single or
& toddler
configuration is intended for
children up to 4 years or ma��imum weight
of 40kg/88lbs and height of ��.��m or 3.3 feet.
In double configuration the recommended
ma�� load is ��5kg/55lbs in front seat and
��5kg/33lbs in rear seat.
Check that the seat unit
attachment devices are correctly engaged.
Do not push a child in the
rear seat of a buggy without a heavier child
being in the front seat. Do not modify the
buggy or use accessories not designed for
it. They may be unsafe.
Care should be taken
if buggy is used on stairs or escalators
(banned in some states).
The buggy should
not be used near an exposed flame.
The buggy is not suitable
for running, skating, horse riding, water
skiing, acrobatics or similar activities. It is
not a flotation device. If required, use the
D-rings on the waist strap to attach a
safety harness.
Ensure that fingers are
kept well clear of folding mechanism when
folding buggy.