Muchmore LiPo Batteries User Manual

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IMPORTANT WARNINGS: Be sure to follow these important

warning statements regarding the charging of LiPo batteries:



• NEVER charge a LiPo battery while it’s inside the model. A

hot pack could ignite wood, foam, plastic, etc.

• NEVER charge LiPo batteries at currents greater than the

“1C” rating of the battery (“C” equals the rated capacity of

the battery).

• NEVER allow LiPo cells to overheat at any time! Cells which

exceed 140°F (60°C) during charge can and USUALLY WILL

become damaged physically and possibly catch

FIRE!! Always

inspect a battery which has previously overheated and do not

re-use if you suspect it has been damaged in any way.

• ALWAYS discontinue charging a LiPo immediately if at any

time you witness smoke or see the battery starting to swell

up. This may cause the battery to rupture and/or leak, and

the reaction with air may cause the chemicals to ignite,

resulting in fire. Disconnect the battery and leave it in a safe

fireproof location for approximately 15 minutes.

• ALWAYS charge a LiPo battery in a fireproof location,

which could be a container made of metal (such as an

ammunition box), ceramic tile, or a bucket of sand. ALWAYS

have an “ABC type” fire extinguisher available at all times.

Charging LiPo batteries:


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• NEVER charge LiPo batteries with a NiCd or NiMH peak


ONLY use a charger specifically designed for LiPo batteries

which can apply the “constant current /

constantvoltage” charge technique (cc/cv). MuchMore offers

several LiPo compatible chargers (

which can be found at your local retailer.

1. Use a charge lead that directly mates to the connector on the

LiPo battery. It is strongly recommended to use pre-assembled

charge leads which can be found at most hobby retailers. Hand

made connectors can be unreliable and hazardous, provid-

ing poor physical and/or electrical connections. Muchmore’s

“Docking Station”(#MR-SDS) is directly compatible with Much-

More LiPo batteries which have the 2-pin charge connector

(non-balanced packs).

2. Connect the charge lead to the charger first. Then connect

the battery to the charge lead.

NEVER connect the battery to

the charge lead if the charge lead is not connected to the


WARNING! Never allow a battery’s positive and

negative leads to accidentally touch each other. This will

result in a short circuit and cause permanent damage to

your battery and or charger.

b. For batteries having the BALANCING CONNECTOR: You

must know

how many cells are in the battery pack, and then

choose an adapter lead which matches your pack. For

example, a 3-cell LiPo configured for balancing MUST use a

charge adapter which has enough wires to monitor the voltage

of all 3 cells in the pack (an adapter designed for 2 or 4 cells

will NOT work properly). A 2-cell LiPo configured for balancing

must use a balancing charge adapter that is designed for 2-cell

packs only, and so on. Failure to choose the proper balancing

adapter could result in improperly charged and improperly

balanced packs.

MuchMore “Cell Balancer” (#MR-SBL) is directly compatible

with batteries having the balancing connector.

a. For batteries having the RED 2-PIN CHARGE

CONNECTOR: Connect the red positive (+) lead to the

charger’s red positive (+) output jack, and the black negative (-)

lead to the charger’s black negative (-) jack.

ALWAYS charge the

battery through the connector.

NEVER charge the battery

through the connector which goes to the ESC. For safety

purposes, do not cut or modify wires on the battery in any way.

3. Set the charger’s output voltage to match the nominal

rated voltage of the entire LiPo battery pack.

NEVER set the

charger to a voltage which is greater than the nominal

voltage rating of the LiPo pack or allow LiPo cells to

charge to greater than 4.20V per cell at any time!!

Overcharging LiPo cells usually will result in a permanent,

catastrophic failure in the LiPo cells which can result in

permanent damage to the battery and its surroundings, and

cause personal injury!