MIDI Solutions F8 8-input MIDI Footswitch Controller User Manual
Page 8

To program the F8 to send out a Pitch Bend message when a footswitch is depressed, send it the following System
Exclusive programming command:
All bytes must be in Hexadecimal format (see hexadecimal conversion table at end)
specifies the mode of transmission as follows:
03: Send
value on depression of footswitch, reset pitch to zero on release
13: Send
value on depression of footswitch, nothing on release
= Footswitch Input (00 for Fsw1 ... 07 for Fsw8)
= LSB pitch value
= MSB pitch value
= MIDI channel (see MIDI channel table at end)
To program the F8 to send out a pitch bend message of +1 semitone (to a device that is set to a full octave pitch bend
range) on channel 12 when Fsw1 is depressed, set
(send value on depression, reset pitch to zero on
(2B 45 is the value for +1 semitone bend in a full octave range), and
(0B specifies MIDI channel 12). These values result in the following System Exclusive programming command:
F0 00 00 50 24
To program the F8 to send out a Program Change message when a footswitch is depressed, send it the following
System Exclusive programming command:
, and
are optional)
All bytes must be in Hexadecimal format (see hexadecimal conversion table at end)
= Footswitch Input (00 for Fsw1 ... 07 for Fsw8)
= Program number sent on depression of footswitch
= MIDI channel (see MIDI channel table at end)
is optional, specifies Program number sent on release of footswitch
is optional, specifies Bank Select MSB and LSB values to precede
on depression of footswitch
is optional, specifies Bank Select MSB and LSB values to precede
on release of footswitch
To program the F8 to send out Bank Select MSB 3 + Bank Select LSB 6 + Program Change 0 on all MIDI channels
when Fsw2 is depressed, and nothing when the footswitch is released, set
(Program Change
(7F specifies all MIDI channels),
(nothing sent on release),
(Bank Select MSB = 3,
Bank Select LSB = 6), and
(nothing sent on release). This results in the following System Exclusive
programming command:
F0 00 00 50 24 04
F0 00 00 50 24 aa ii ll mm cc F7
ll mm
ll mm
aa = 03
ii = 00
ll mm = 2B 45
cc = 0B
03 00 2B 45 0B
F0 00 00 50 24 04 ii pp cc (qq) (bb bb) (dd dd) F7
qq bb bb
dd dd
bb bb
dd dd
ii = 01
pp = 00
cc = 7F
omit qq
bb bb = 03 06
omit dd dd
01 00 7F 03 06